
Comparing Angular and Vanilla JavaScript for a Job Interview Coding Project

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Angular vs Vanilla JavaScript – Job Interview Coding Project

Angular vs Vanilla JavaScript – Job Interview Coding Project

When it comes to job interview coding projects, a common question that arises is whether to use Angular or Vanilla JavaScript for the project. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each approach.

Vanilla JavaScript

Vanilla JavaScript refers to using plain, native JavaScript without the use of any additional libraries or frameworks. This approach allows for maximum control and flexibility, as developers have full access to the native JavaScript API.

One of the benefits of using Vanilla JavaScript for a job interview coding project is that it showcases a developer’s deep understanding of core JavaScript concepts. It also demonstrates the ability to solve problems without relying on pre-built solutions.

However, using Vanilla JavaScript can also be more time-consuming and require more code to accomplish complex tasks. It may not be as efficient for larger projects and may lack some of the features and tools provided by frameworks like Angular.


Angular is a popular JavaScript framework developed and maintained by Google. It provides a more structured and opinionated approach to building web applications, with features such as two-way data binding, dependency injection, and modular components.

Using Angular for a job interview coding project can showcase a developer’s ability to work with modern, industry-standard tools and technologies. It also allows for rapid development and a more organized codebase, which can be beneficial for larger and more complex projects.

On the downside, using Angular may not demonstrate a deep understanding of core JavaScript concepts, as the framework abstracts many lower-level details. It may also require learning curve for developers who are unfamiliar with the framework.


Ultimately, the choice between using Angular or Vanilla JavaScript for a job interview coding project depends on the specific requirements and expectations of the project. It’s important to consider the trade-offs between control and efficiency when making this decision.

Regardless of which approach is chosen, demonstrating a solid understanding of JavaScript fundamentals and the ability to solve problems effectively is crucial. After all, the primary goal of a job interview coding project is to showcase one’s skills and problem-solving abilities.