
Comparing change and ngModelChange in Angular and Javascript

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When working with Angular and JavaScript, two commonly used event bindings are (change) and (ngModelChange). These event bindings are used to capture and handle changes in input fields or form controls. In this article, we will explore the differences between the two and when to use each.

The (change) event binding is a standard HTML event that is used to capture changes in input fields, checkboxes, and select elements. It is used to trigger a function when the value of an input field is changed by the user. This event binding can be used directly in HTML templates using the following syntax:



In this example, the handleChange function will be called whenever the value of the input field is changed by the user. The $event object can be used to access the value of the input field and perform any necessary actions.

On the other hand, the (ngModelChange) event binding is specific to Angular and is used with two-way data binding using ngModel directive. This event binding is triggered when the value of a form control changes due to user interaction or programmatic changes. It is typically used with input fields or form controls that are bound to a model using ngModel directive. The syntax for using (ngModelChange) is as follows:



In this example, the handleModelChange function will be called whenever the value of the input field changes due to user interaction or programmatic changes. The $event object can be used to access the new value of the input field and perform any necessary actions.

So, in summary, the (change) event binding is used for capturing user-initiated changes in form controls, while the (ngModelChange) event binding is used for capturing changes in form controls that are bound to a model using ngModel directive. It is important to use the appropriate event binding based on the specific requirements of the application.

In conclusion, understanding the differences between (change) and (ngModelChange) event bindings in Angular and JavaScript is crucial for efficiently handling form control changes. By using the correct event binding, developers can ensure that their applications respond appropriately to user interactions and programmatic changes.

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7 months ago

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