
Comparing Contentful, Forestry and Markdown Blog for Gatsby JS – Which Headless CMS is the Best Choice?

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Headless CMS with Gatsby JS – Contentful vs Forestry vs Markdown Blog

Headless CMS with Gatsby JS – Contentful vs Forestry vs Markdown Blog

If you’re a web developer or a content creator looking to build a blazing-fast website using the latest web technologies, Gatsby JS is an excellent choice. Gatsby JS is a static site generator that uses React to create dynamic websites that deliver an exceptional user experience. One of the key features of Gatsby is its ability to integrate with headless CMS platforms, allowing users to easily manage and update content.

In this article, we will explore and compare three popular headless CMS options specifically designed to work seamlessly with Gatsby JS: Contentful, Forestry, and Markdown Blog.


Contentful is a powerful and user-friendly headless CMS platform that offers a wide range of features. With Contentful, you can create custom content models and easily manage and organize your website content. Its intuitive user interface makes it easy to collaborate with team members, and its extensive API allows for seamless integration with Gatsby JS.


Forestry is another excellent choice for a headless CMS with Gatsby JS. It provides a visual editor that allows you to create and update content in a simple and straightforward manner. Forestry’s version control feature makes it easy to collaborate with developers and manage content changes efficiently. It also provides a powerful media library and supports content localization, making it a great option for multi-language websites.

Markdown Blog

If you prefer a simpler and more lightweight approach, the Markdown Blog starter in Gatsby JS may be the right choice for you. Markdown Blog uses Markdown files to store and manage content, making it a straightforward and easy-to-use option. With Markdown Blog, you can focus on creating content without worrying about complex CMS configurations. It is a perfect solution for personal blogs or small projects that do not require advanced content management features.

Choosing the right headless CMS for your Gatsby JS project depends on your specific needs and preferences. Contentful offers extensive features and a user-friendly interface, making it suitable for larger and more complex projects. Forestry provides a visual editor and version control, making it a great option for collaborative projects. Markdown Blog is the perfect choice for simple and lightweight websites without advanced content management requirements.

Overall, Gatsby JS combined with a headless CMS provides a powerful and flexible solution for building high-performance websites. Whether you choose Contentful, Forestry, or the Markdown Blog starter, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to easily manage and update your content while delivering a great user experience.

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Nico Elvino
8 months ago

Hey! Thanks for your video 🙂
Quick one, I was considering using Storyblok headless CMS, do you have any experience with it? or any comparison against Contentful or Forestry? I'll build the front end with Gatsby and want to find the best headless CMS to give the best editable experience for the content editors, without them having to see any line of code. I saw that the UI in Storyblok was really good, so wanted to know your opinion against the ones you are using! Any help or info would be much appreciated 🙂
Have a great one!

8 months ago

00:00 – Overview
01:33 – Using Gatsby for SSG and Sourcing Content
02:55 – Sourcing Locally – All About Markdown
15:53 – Contentful – Properly Headless
33:15Forestry.io – Return to Markdown
38:40 – Headless CMS vs Traditional CMS
42:11 – Contentful vs Netlify and Pricing
45:04Forestry.io – Continued
53:14 – Headless CMS Resources – Gatbsy Concepts

• Headless CMS’s + Static Site Generator is a great way to manage content.
• Contentful (and other “true” headless CMS’s) allows you to create relationships between content, and have a resilient UI for content editors.
• Forestry and other git-based CMS’s allow you to store and track your content in Git but provide a clean and flexible UI for content editors.

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