Comparing Create React App and Vite for Faster React App Development | Bug Shop Tutorial

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Create React App vs Vite | How to Make React App faster | Bug Shop

Create React App vs Vite | How to Make React App faster | Bug Shop

As a front-end developer, you may have heard of Create React App and Vite. Both are tools used to create React applications, but they differ in how they handle the development process and aim to make React apps faster. At Bug Shop, we understand the importance of building efficient and performant applications, so let’s take a closer look at the differences between Create React App and Vite and how you can make your React app faster.

Create React App

Create React App is a popular tool for bootstrapping React applications. It provides a pre-configured environment with all the necessary tools and configurations to get started with React development. Create React App aims to simplify the setup process and allows developers to focus on writing code rather than dealing with complex configurations. However, as the project grows, Create React App may introduce performance bottlenecks due to its build and compilation process.


Vite, on the other hand, is a new build tool that aims to make the development process faster and more efficient. It leverages modern ES module syntax and provides lightning-fast cold server start and instant hot module replacement (HMR) out of the box. Vite’s build process is optimized for speed, making it ideal for large-scale projects where performance is critical. With Vite, you can expect significantly faster build times and a more responsive development experience compared to Create React App.

Making React App faster

Regardless of whether you choose Create React App or Vite, there are several best practices that you can follow to make your React app faster:

  • Optimize code: Write efficient and optimized code to reduce unnecessary computations and improve performance.
  • Bundle splitting: Split your code into smaller, manageable chunks to improve load times and reduce initial bundle size.
  • Code splitting: Use code splitting to split your application into smaller bundles and load them on-demand, resulting in faster load times.
  • Lazy loading: Implement lazy loading to only load resources when they are needed, reducing initial load times and improving performance.
  • Caching: Utilize caching mechanisms to store frequently used data and reduce network requests, improving overall app performance.

By following these best practices, you can significantly improve the performance of your React app, regardless of the build tool you choose.


In conclusion, Create React App and Vite both offer unique features and benefits for building React applications. While Create React App provides a streamlined setup process, Vite focuses on speed and efficiency. To make your React app faster, regardless of the build tool you choose, it’s important to follow best practices such as code optimization, bundle splitting, lazy loading, and caching. At Bug Shop, we prioritize performance and efficiency in our development process to deliver high-quality React applications to our clients.

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Meesam Naqvi
7 months ago

Waoww great work ❤

Bilal Ashraf
7 months ago
