Comparing FastAPI, Django, and Flask

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When it comes to building web applications in Python, there are several popular frameworks to choose from, with FastAPI, Django, and Flask being among the most widely used. Each of these frameworks has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to understand the differences between them in order to make an informed decision about which one to use for your project. In this tutorial, we will compare FastAPI, Django, and Flask in terms of their performance, ease of use, and features, so you can choose the framework that best fits your needs.

1. FastAPI:
FastAPI is a relatively new web framework for building APIs with Python. It is known for its speed and performance, thanks to its use of Pydantic for data validation and Starlette for handling requests. FastAPI is built on top of ASGI, which is a standard interface for asynchronous web applications in Python. This makes it ideal for building high-performance, asynchronous web services.

One of the key features of FastAPI is its support for automatic API documentation using Swagger UI and ReDoc. This makes it easy to document your API endpoints and test them in real-time using a web interface. FastAPI also supports automatic data validation and serialization, making it easy to work with complex data structures in your API.

2. Django:
Django is a full-stack web framework for building web applications in Python. It is known for its “batteries-included” approach, providing a wide range of built-in features and functionalities to help you build web applications quickly and easily. Django follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, which makes it easy to separate your business logic from your presentation layer.

One of the key features of Django is its built-in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system, which makes it easy to work with databases in your web application. Django also comes with built-in authentication and authorization systems, so you can easily add user authentication to your web application. In addition, Django has a built-in admin panel that you can use to manage your web application’s data and settings.

3. Flask:
Flask is a lightweight web framework for building web applications in Python. It is known for its simplicity and flexibility, allowing you to build web applications quickly and easily without being tied down by a rigid framework structure. Flask follows the WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) standard, making it compatible with a wide range of web servers and deployment options.

One of the key features of Flask is its extensibility through plugins and extensions. Flask has a wide range of third-party extensions that you can use to add functionality to your web application, such as authentication, database integration, and RESTful API support. Flask also has a built-in development server that you can use to run your web application locally during development.

In conclusion, FastAPI, Django, and Flask are all popular web frameworks for building web applications in Python, each with its own set of features and advantages. FastAPI is best suited for building high-performance, asynchronous APIs, Django is ideal for building full-stack web applications with built-in features and functionalities, and Flask is great for building lightweight, flexible web applications with extensibility through plugins and extensions. Ultimately, the choice of framework will depend on your specific project requirements and level of expertise in Python web development.

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15 hours ago

And win knex😉

15 hours ago

I disagree, For ANY type of project it is always helpful if the framework's core has a light footprint so that development focus can stay on the app. I Also disagre with the intepertation that "flask is for basic apps", It is a lean framework where one may need to tiein extras if needed. fastapi maybe new but evauating it as a backend framework, it gives the developer a lot more to work with!

15 hours ago

Thank you! this video helped

15 hours ago

What does the GIL has to do with Async Await? Async Await run on an event loop. This always happens on a single CPU. Async Await are asyncronos operations for tasks with low computational load and the majority of the task's time is taken by simply waiting for a response. For example like a HTTP call. You make a call, and then you just sit and wait for a reply. And if it takes a long time, everything is stuck because your code is executing one line at a time. With async await you can say "While I wait for the HTTP call to give me a response, other operations can proceed running" and this is why async calls don't block the thread. This has nothing to do with working on multiple CPUs.

15 hours ago

Content is too good to have a misleading title like that

15 hours ago

"Django is ranked 354, FastApi is way faster at rank 270".. Definitely a typical web developer chit chat when logic is on a vacation.

15 hours ago

When developers talk about which framework is better, just escape!! Not worth your your time.

15 hours ago

How do you know all these things!! Damn!

15 hours ago

As of this writing Flask 2.0 provides support for async/await.

15 hours ago

Great video! I like Flask, but I think FastAPI very interesting…

15 hours ago

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15 hours ago

I will try it…
I too like nest js because it's awesome…

15 hours ago

FastAPI > Flask > Other Python web frameworks > Django

15 hours ago

This video is exactly what I was looking for!
Thank you for sharing.
I will definitely try FastAPI for new projects.

15 hours ago

Thank you. I realized python is bad language. People choose nodejs

15 hours ago

Thoughts on something like DRF and react or just coding a site in django in 2021?

15 hours ago

If you wanna learn one first I would recommend start with flask after one day decide you want to continue or move to Django
Don’t start with fastAPI

If you learned flask pretty much fastAPI is the same and learning it is easy

15 hours ago

To me i think fastapi is better though its new i have worked with both Django and Fastapi its … why fastapi is so flexible

15 hours ago

thanks brother, it was a very good video

15 hours ago

Uhmm how is async even related to concurrency in anyway as async happens on the same thread ( i am coming from a nodejs world so maybe its different in python).

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