Comparing FastAPI, Flask, and Django: Which is the Best Choice for You?

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Choosing between FastAPI, Flask, and Django can be a tough decision for many developers. Each of these frameworks has its own strengths and weaknesses, and your choice will ultimately depend on your specific needs and preferences. In this tutorial, we will discuss the key differences between these three frameworks and offer some guidance on which one you should use for your next project.


FastAPI is a high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python. It is known for its speed and efficiency, making it an excellent choice for projects that require high performance and scalability. FastAPI uses modern Python features like type hints and async/await to help developers write clean and concise code.

One of the key advantages of FastAPI is its automatic generation of documentation for your APIs. By simply adding type hints to your code, FastAPI can automatically generate detailed API documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and work with your API. FastAPI also comes with built-in support for data validation and serialization, making it easier to build robust and secure APIs.


Flask is a lightweight and flexible web framework for Python. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a popular choice for developers who are new to web development. Flask is highly extensible, allowing developers to easily add new functionality and features to their applications.

One of the key advantages of Flask is its large and active community. There are numerous plugins and extensions available for Flask, making it easy to add functionality like authentication, database support, and caching to your applications. Flask is also highly customizable, allowing developers to build applications that meet their specific requirements.


Django is a full-featured web framework for Python. It is known for its batteries-included approach, providing developers with everything they need to build complex web applications out of the box. Django is highly secure and includes built-in support for features like user authentication, authorization, and session management.

One of the key advantages of Django is its built-in admin interface. Django’s admin interface allows developers to easily create and manage database records without writing any code. This can be a major time-saver for developers who need to quickly prototype and iterate on their applications.

So, which framework should you use?

Ultimately, the choice between FastAPI, Flask, and Django will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If you value speed and performance, FastAPI may be the best choice for you. If you are looking for a lightweight and flexible framework, Flask may be the way to go. If you need a full-featured and secure framework with built-in support for complex features, Django may be the best option.

In conclusion, FastAPI, Flask, and Django are all excellent choices for building web applications with Python. Each of these frameworks has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific requirements. We recommend trying out each framework and seeing which one works best for your project.

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17 days ago

You make complex topics so easy to understand. 📚 Thank you for being an incredible educator!

17 days ago

We choose django not because it is django but because of its plugins. Django is the slowest among the three until you install the plugins with the most optimized algorithms on python on django then it beats them all. Take for example, Django-tree, django-filter, django-auth is the most complete auth out of the tree. Django rest framework is the most comprehensive REST framework that other frameworks from other languages try to copy from its features.

Django is the most complicated out of the three but the most supported one by organization and companies. Bear with it.

17 days ago

CherryPy 💀

17 days ago

I build all my apis and websites with fastapi. I have been paying attention to the robyn project as it has potential for a lot of performance since it is built over rust.

17 days ago

if you want rest api, def go with fastapi. If you want to serve HTML templates, go with flask or django. Easy

17 days ago

what is the best backend if you're building a dynamic website using flet?

17 days ago

Recently at work, we conducted a performance comparison between Django and FastAPI, and interestingly, Django outperformed FastAPI in terms of speed.

17 days ago

Node js is the god of backend

17 days ago

Can you talk about Streamlit??

17 days ago

microservices with FastApi with docker kubernetes and fancy cloud solutions event sourcing boom

17 days ago

Django’s setup only takes 10minutes though if not less
Create project
Cd project
Create app
Connect app in settings
Include your urls and a few little tweaks and than only can you start with the good staff with template, views and models

Comes with SQLite aswell
Perfect for beginners I think most beginners should start with Django just to know the structure of a real world web app/software

Powerful I tell you

I use Django for web apps and react native for mobile
Most of my mobile apps are api based anyways so I just call/get my requests from my web apps server

17 days ago

Thank you so much

17 days ago

Awesome video. No nonsense, just dense information. Exactly what i was looking for.

17 days ago

What about Django-Ninja ?

17 days ago

So I think tto stay alive on the market as a developer, it's best to know at least two these three options or maybe all three of them . Any ideas ?!😮

17 days ago

@Tech with Tim please give us a breakdown of Reflex

17 days ago

I started with Flask it made me understand the flow and basics and then I started Django that made me aware of some really cool reasons why Django is used in companies and its advantages and then I am doing internship so here I am working on fastapi which is pretty much similar to Express so now I know advantages of fastapi and why its called fast.

17 days ago


17 days ago


17 days ago

legal, mano… obrigado, digamos que eu queira construir uma empresa de táxi, tipo uber por exemplo, estou usando react nativo para meu celular, preciso de um dashboard, preciso usar comunicação em tempo real no backend do claro, para conectar meu painel e o aplicativo em uma comunicação em tempo real, qual devo usar?

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