Comparing PyQt and Tkinter: A Comparison with Example Applications

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When it comes to choosing a GUI toolkit for developing desktop applications in Python, two of the most popular choices are PyQt and Tkinter. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to understand the differences between them before deciding which one to use for your project.

PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework, which is a popular cross-platform development tool for creating GUI applications. It offers a wide range of widgets, layouts, and controls, making it easy to create complex and professional-looking interfaces. PyQt is maintained by Riverbank Computing and is available under both commercial and open source licenses.

Tkinter, on the other hand, is a built-in Python library for creating simple GUI applications. It is easy to use and comes with a range of basic widgets and layouts, making it a good choice for beginners or for small, simple applications. Tkinter is included with the standard Python distribution, so it doesn’t require any additional installation.

So which should you use? The answer depends on the specific requirements of your project. Here are some factors to consider when deciding between PyQt and Tkinter:

  1. Complexity of the application: If you need to create a complex, feature-rich GUI with advanced controls and custom layouts, PyQt is the way to go. Its extensive set of widgets and layouts make it easy to create sophisticated interfaces. Tkinter, on the other hand, is best suited for simple applications with basic user interfaces.

  2. Platform support: PyQt is a cross-platform toolkit that supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it a good choice for developing applications that need to run on multiple operating systems. Tkinter, while also cross-platform, may not have as consistent a look and feel across different platforms.

  3. Community support: PyQt has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and provide support through forums and online resources. Tkinter, being a built-in library, may have less community support available.

Example applications:

Let’s look at two example applications – a simple calculator and a weather app – developed using PyQt and Tkinter.

  1. Simple calculator:

For the simple calculator application, PyQt would be a good choice due to its support for advanced controls like buttons, labels, and layouts. Here’s a basic example of a calculator using PyQt:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, QLineEdit

class Calculator(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):

    def initUI(self):
        vbox = QVBoxLayout()
        self.line_edit = QLineEdit()

        buttons = ['1', '2', '3', '+', '4', '5', '6', '-', '7', '8', '9', '*', 'C', '0', '=', '/']
        for btn_text in buttons:
            button = QPushButton(btn_text)


    def on_click(self):
        btn = self.sender()
        text = btn.text()
        if text == '=':
            result = eval(self.line_edit.text())
        elif text == 'C':
            self.line_edit.setText(self.line_edit.text() + text)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    calc = Calculator()
  1. Weather app:

For the weather app, which may require fetching data from an API and displaying it in a graphical format, PyQt would again be the better choice due to its rich set of controls and layouts. Here’s a simplified example of a weather app using PyQt:

import sys
import requests
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QPushButton

class WeatherApp(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):

    def initUI(self):
        vbox = QVBoxLayout()

        self.lbl_weather = QLabel()

        btn_fetch = QPushButton('Fetch Weather')

        self.setWindowTitle('Weather App')

    def fetch_weather(self):
        url = ''
        response = requests.get(url)
        data = response.json()
        temp = data['main']['temp']
        self.lbl_weather.setText(f'Temperature: {temp} K')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    weather_app = WeatherApp()

In summary, PyQt is a more powerful and feature-rich toolkit compared to Tkinter, making it a good choice for developing complex, professional desktop applications. However, for simpler applications or for beginners, Tkinter may be the more appropriate choice due to its ease of use and built-in nature. Ultimately, the choice between PyQt and Tkinter depends on the specific requirements and scope of your project.

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3 hours ago

probably good overview — but speaking energy is monotone and dull

3 hours ago

Hardly can distinguish words. You d better use voice generation sw

3 hours ago

Dude can you speak please. wtf

3 hours ago

Tkinter is bad

3 hours ago

i've been using pyqt5 since i was a freshman, is learning tkinter worth the investment?

3 hours ago

Is there a better/newer alternative to PyQt, (for example with flux/MVI pattern)?

3 hours ago

This wasn't a comparison, this was just a roast on Tkinter

3 hours ago

Yea Tkinter is painful to work with and it only gets more confusing with painful to find documents about events

3 hours ago

Why spoil a good video with a bad voice??? If you don't have the voice that's suitable for recording then why don't you use AI voices????

These days there are many to choose from

I have watched a good few of your videos and now you even go faster in them to improve the sound!!!

That's not good!!!! If you don't have the voice for recording it does not matter how slow or fast you talk and video, the sound, will still be BAD!!!!!

If you want to improve your videos a 1000% then use an AI voice or get someone else to narate your videos…

There are many video editors out there on the net where you can get AI voice overs male or female included with the editor….

Here is just one suggestion for you….. CapCut has great editing, captioning and a good selection of voices to choose from…..

Look for "Capcut download", (It's FREE), on Google search.

Hope this helps because your voice is not good for recording……unless you want to do scary horror movies.

It's certainly not good for the kind of tutorial videos you are producing.

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

Thanks bro

3 hours ago

Thanks for info. You clarified the difference between these two libraries very well.
Just a small advice could you improve the audio quality. All the best 👍👍

3 hours ago

Good video, but please speak a little louder and clearer if possible.

3 hours ago

Where was your video? HAHAHAH fuck I hit my head against the wall trying to make a customized scrollbar in tkinter

3 hours ago

I communicate directly with the X11 Graphics Server from Linux in Assembler it Takes thousands lines of Code but I can finally say, i did it completely myself without libs or fancy stuff

3 hours ago

So, I've just started following your wx videos.
Is there a big difference between PtQt and wxPython

3 hours ago

Good explanation bro 👍

3 hours ago

Good video. but you sounded like you are hiding from poilice😅😅. sound quality could be more clear and loud.

3 hours ago

Another thing to note about PyQt is that the styling is done in css which is familiar to a lot of people.

3 hours ago

Mate thank you for the video, but please accept a bit of constructive criticism to speak up and spell out words much more clearly.. It is very hard to understand when you mumble through each phrase!!

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