Comparing React and Angular: A Look into 2024

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React vs Angular in 2024

React vs Angular in 2024

When it comes to front-end development, React and Angular have been two of the most popular choices for building web applications. However, as technology continues to evolve, developers are constantly evaluating the pros and cons of using these frameworks. Let’s take a look at how React and Angular stack up against each other in 2024.


React has been known for its flexibility, ease of use, and performance. It allows developers to create reusable components and build interactive user interfaces efficiently. With the introduction of features like hooks and context API, React has become even more powerful and developer-friendly.

In 2024, React is expected to continue its growth and popularity among developers. With a large and active community, developers can expect continuous updates, improvements, and support. React is also known for its compatibility with other libraries and frameworks, making it a versatile choice for building web applications.


Angular, on the other hand, is a full-fledged framework maintained by Google. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for building large-scale applications. With features like Angular CLI, dependency injection, and RxJS, Angular offers a robust solution for developing complex web applications.

In 2024, Angular is expected to continue its focus on providing a structured and opinionated approach to front-end development. While Angular may have a steeper learning curve compared to React, it offers extensive documentation and support for developers. Angular’s commitment to backward compatibility and long-term support makes it a reliable choice for enterprise applications.


Both React and Angular have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between the two ultimately depends on the specific requirements of a project. In 2024, React is likely to maintain its dominance in the front-end development ecosystem, with its flexibility and ease of use. Angular, on the other hand, will continue to be a popular choice for large-scale enterprise applications due to its comprehensive feature set and long-term support.

Ultimately, developers should consider factors like project requirements, team expertise, and community support when choosing between React and Angular for their web development projects in 2024.

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1 month ago

I think it all depends on your skills. I can see why lots of people tend to prefer Angular because it works in a certain way out of the box. Personally I prefer to get some pieces and then think about how they fit best for the next project.

1 month ago

One of the best comparison I've heard ever for this topic .. Thank you

1 month ago

React is a library, It's perfect for small apps. If you want to create a big app, the best choise is a framework like Angular.

1 month ago

React is like a long dickk and Angular is 3cm long

1 month ago

Thank u!

1 month ago

So many companies try to control React. They create base libraries and try to enforce developer coding styles. All this creates a lot of overhead that simply isn't maintainable. I've started several enterprise-level apps where a good part of my coding was creating complex wrappers to translate the requirements from UI to framework. They also institute broad system requirements such as using Redux for all state changes, which just adds layers of maintenance for not good reason. Even my first Angular project in 2018 had really good guidance from Angular without that many pitfalls. I also find testing Angular apps to be much easier because you don't need to deal with hooks and mocking is straight forward (similar to using Moq-like C# API testing). However, with the inclusion of NextJS and React Native, React does have a place in an enterprise if you can make use of server-side rendering or need a mobile solution.

1 month ago

well explained 👏

1 month ago

Was there a single line of code in this video?

1 month ago

Video very well made. Could you talk about javascript metaframeworks?

1 month ago

No react no angular, just need blazor

1 month ago

Talk is cheap. Show me the code.

1 month ago

I code with React and Angular. I’ll say my previous Angular experience has helped me comment my React code effectively before passing on to my teammate. They both have their pros and cons. I’ll be picking up Vue later since one of our apps is moving to that framework. Good video.

1 month ago

I should saw this video 2 years ago. I'm an oipinionated dev.

1 month ago

Just discovered your channel. I like your video style. Subscribed!

1 month ago

I've found out about your channel just now (in addition to your French channel). Gosh, your English is just right on point. Where did you learn it? From school or do you have family back in the UK?

1 month ago

Great comparison 🔥🔥

1 month ago

2:40 its called controller – MVC

1 month ago

Both are not the best option. I would choose Vue. 😛

1 month ago

Very well spoken, but you miss the point.
React is a library
Angular is a framework.
You (and many other ppl) compare apples with pears..
Compare Nextjs, Remix or whatever with Angular. That works. But this comparison is of no real use.

1 month ago

React for the hype. Angular for long term scalable products.