Comparing React and Vue: Which is the Top Choice in 2023?

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React and Vue are two popular JavaScript frameworks that are widely used by developers to build modern, dynamic web applications. Both frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing between them can be a difficult decision. In this tutorial, we will compare React and Vue in 2023 and discuss which framework might be best for your next project.

React vs Vue: An Overview

React is a JavaScript library that was developed by Facebook in 2013. It is known for its component-based architecture, which allows developers to build UI elements that can be reused across different parts of an application. React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the UI in response to changes in data, making it fast and responsive.

Vue, on the other hand, is a JavaScript framework that was created by Evan You in 2014. It is similar to React in many ways, including its component-based architecture and use of a virtual DOM. However, Vue is often considered to be more approachable for beginners, thanks to its simpler syntax and guidance on best practices.


One of the main considerations when choosing between React and Vue in 2023 is performance. Both frameworks are known for being fast and efficient, but there are some differences in how they handle rendering and updating the UI.

React uses a virtual DOM to track changes to the UI and efficiently update only the parts of the DOM that have changed. This can help to improve performance, especially for large and complex applications. React also has a large and active community that is constantly working to optimize the framework and improve its performance.

Vue also uses a virtual DOM, but it has some optimizations that can make it more performant in certain situations. For example, Vue’s reactivity system allows developers to create reactive data bindings that automatically update the UI when the underlying data changes. This can help to reduce the amount of code needed to manage state changes and make the application more efficient.

Overall, both React and Vue are highly performant frameworks that can be used to build fast and responsive web applications. The choice between them may come down to the specific requirements of your project and the expertise of your development team.

Ease of Use

Another factor to consider when comparing React and Vue in 2023 is ease of use. Vue is often praised for its simple and intuitive syntax, which can make it easier for beginners to get started with the framework. Vue also provides clear and consistent documentation, as well as a set of best practices that can help developers write clean and maintainable code.

React, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and can be more challenging for beginners to master. React’s JSX syntax, which allows developers to write HTML-like code within their JavaScript files, can be confusing for some newcomers. However, React has a large and active community that provides a wealth of resources and tutorials to help developers learn the framework.

Ultimately, the ease of use of React and Vue will depend on the experience and familiarity of your development team. If you are new to web development or looking for a framework that is easy to learn, Vue may be the better choice. However, if you have experience with JavaScript and are comfortable with more complex syntax, React may be a good option for your project.

Community and Ecosystem

The size and activity of a framework’s community can have a big impact on its long-term viability and sustainability. React has a large and active community of developers, with thousands of plugins, libraries, and tools that can help you build and maintain your applications. React also has strong support from Facebook, which continues to invest in the framework and release updates and improvements on a regular basis.

Vue, while not as large as React’s community, has also experienced rapid growth in recent years. Vue has a dedicated team of developers who maintain the framework and provide support to the community. Vue also has a number of official plugins and tools that can help you build and deploy your applications more easily.

In terms of ecosystem, React may have a slight edge over Vue in 2023, thanks to its larger community and more extensive set of tools and libraries. However, both frameworks have strong ecosystems that can support a wide range of applications and use cases.

Which is Best?

Choosing between React and Vue in 2023 ultimately comes down to your specific project requirements and the expertise of your development team. If you are new to web development or looking for a framework that is easy to learn, Vue may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you need a highly performant and efficient framework for building complex web applications, React may be more suitable.

Both React and Vue are powerful frameworks that can help you build fast, responsive, and maintainable web applications. The best framework for your project will depend on your specific needs and goals, so be sure to consider all factors before making a decision.

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15 days ago

very nice comparison and the video style is what i liked the most thanks so much.

15 days ago

I never serious used react for my simple project, from my description my friend, react good one for a complex cases,
I dont know it's true or not..
In other cases, im used vue it fell comfortable f
Until now..

15 days ago

The day Vue introduces Vue Native for mobile app, that will be the end of react in my world … just saying as at the moment im so scared to learn react native but i really want to dive into mobile development

15 days ago

Another useless "vs" video. Not sure if this guy ever touched Vue or React or both. Clickbait

15 days ago

I am had been in React for a few years, but been hearing good things about Vue. Think, i will try Vue.

15 days ago

Very good video. Id like to see the article comparing the two technologies. Your link to killersites is broken.

15 days ago

React can run with just html and css rather than JSX, but JSX is obviously better

15 days ago

I am starting to be a little pissed of by stupidity of "every job make things in React".
If you compare the two frameworks Vue is better in everything except this. Why almost every job preffer shittier framework that has no one clean & neat way of doing things .. instead pick react that has so many footguns 🤢🤮

15 days ago

well, we all know that every employer now days expect us to be ultra neo full stack developer and manage to carry as much experience as a whole IT department so learning both is not just good its expected!!!! tssssssssssssss if i only could restart my life i would just do gardening or something instead…..

15 days ago

Thank you Stefan for awesome video.

15 days ago

very helpful, but I suppose React is better than Vue

15 days ago

I love Vue. I learned react first though. But on my first job, the team didn't work with React, they only worked with Vue. First I was disapointed, but two days later I didn't wanna go back. Peace✌.

15 days ago

Thank you!!

15 days ago

I love how extremely casual this video is. No annoying background music, no hyped up narration, no pretending how it will change your life using either of those. Love it.

15 days ago

Vue is beginner friendly but 95% of companies use angular or react which is complicated if you are new to JS. cz from React to Vue its easy for person to which while vice versa is really hard. So choose according to you convenience. I would say if you are backend engineer and trying to go for full stack go for Vue. Else React

15 days ago

Do you appreciate: Vue3.js+Django+Django Rest API???

15 days ago

Most Vue developers are in China.

15 days ago

My opinion between react and vue. Vue seems more natural and more straightforward for me specially after they released vue 3 with the composition API. I feel that the learning curve of react is way higher but is a little more flexible . I think vue is amazing specially if you use another framework with it like quasar or nuxt.

15 days ago

thank you

15 days ago

Vue made more sense to me while React felt like it's more artificial

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