
Comparing React.js and Vue.js: Which is the Better Option in 2024? Everything You Need to Know Before Making Your Decision – In-depth Analysis

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React.js and Vue.js are two popular front-end JavaScript frameworks that are widely used for building web applications. Both frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing between them can be a daunting task for developers. In this tutorial, we will compare React.js and Vue.js and explore whether Vue.js is better in 2024. We will also provide some tips to help you decide which framework to use for your next project.


React.js, created by Facebook, is a component-based library for building user interfaces. It is known for its simplicity and flexibility, which allows developers to easily create interactive and dynamic applications. React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the view, resulting in faster performance.

One of the key features of React.js is its JSX syntax, which allows developers to write HTML code directly in JavaScript. This makes it easier to create and maintain complex user interfaces. React also has a large ecosystem of libraries and tools, such as Redux and React Router, which can help developers build robust and scalable applications.


Vue.js, created by Evan You, is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use, which makes it a popular choice among developers. Vue uses a reactive data-binding system, which allows developers to create dynamic and interactive applications with minimal code.

One of the key features of Vue.js is its single-file components, which allow developers to define the template, script, and styles for a component in a single file. This makes it easier to organize and maintain code. Vue also has a rich ecosystem of plugins and tools, such as Vuex and Vue Router, which can help developers build powerful and scalable applications.

React.js vs Vue.js:

Both React.js and Vue.js have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project. React.js is a more mature and widely used framework, with a larger community and ecosystem of tools. It is a good choice for complex and large-scale applications that require high performance and scalability.

On the other hand, Vue.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use framework, with a simpler learning curve and more intuitive syntax. It is a good choice for small to medium-sized applications that require rapid development and flexibility. Vue.js also has a more cohesive and consistent API, which can make it easier to work with compared to React.js.

Is Vue.js better in 2024?

In 2024, Vue.js is expected to continue growing in popularity and adoption, as more developers are drawn to its simplicity and ease of use. The Vue team is constantly working on improving the framework, adding new features and performance enhancements to make it even better for building web applications.

However, it is important to note that React.js is also constantly evolving and improving, with a large community and ecosystem of tools. React has a strong presence in the industry and is widely used by many companies for building web applications. Both frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them ultimately depends on the specific requirements of your project.

What to consider before starting:

Before starting a new project, there are a few key factors to consider when choosing between React.js and Vue.js:

– Project requirements: Consider the specific requirements of your project, such as performance, scalability, and complexity. React.js is a good choice for large-scale applications, while Vue.js is better suited for smaller projects.

– Familiarity: Consider your team’s familiarity with each framework. If your team is more familiar with React.js, it may be easier to use React for your project. However, if your team is new to both frameworks, Vue.js may be a better choice due to its simpler learning curve.

– Ecosystem: Consider the ecosystem of tools and libraries available for each framework. React.js has a larger ecosystem with more plugins and tools, while Vue.js has a more cohesive and consistent API.

– Support and community: Consider the support and community for each framework. React.js has a larger community and more resources available online, while Vue.js has a growing community and active contributors.

In conclusion, both React.js and Vue.js are powerful front-end frameworks that can help you build dynamic and interactive web applications. The choice between them depends on your specific project requirements, team familiarity, and the ecosystem of tools and libraries available. Consider these factors before starting your next project to ensure you choose the framework that best fits your needs.

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17 days ago

I feel this video could be said in 30 seconds. Mad politician speech-filler skills.

17 days ago

I love JSX ❤️

17 days ago

tried to use react & next, switched to inertia & laravel, not going back,
laravel is awsome, vue is awsome,
Quasar is INSANE
and using vue with vanilla js libraries is also pretty easy
all the things you need are in the framework like routing state management etc examples in the docs for forms etc …
vue composition api is awsome
basically vue is what react should have been if facebook took it more seriously and tried to make something that people can actually use
YOU DO NOT EVEN NEED STATE MANAGEMENT, if you dont care if components that can access global state should or shouldn't mutate the state, you can just use a js file and export your global state
vuejs documentation is x100 better then react
inertia & quasar support ssr

17 days ago

I see many ppl say "Vue! Choose Vue!" and I understand it's good for beginners, it's very cozy framework. However personally I feel better in React, there's more fun for me while writing a code (especially the part where I'm looking for bugs).

My opinion for beginners is to start with Vue, but please at least watch some examples of React code. Everyone has different feeling about that and only you can decide which framework is more appropriate. Each of them has its pros and cons. I'm using Vue for smaller projects and React for more demanding ones. It's up to you to feel good while coding.

17 days ago

I've worked with they both, and honesty vue is simpler

17 days ago

Typing context wrong⋯how do I trust you on this?

17 days ago

as experienced reactjs developer i can answer to your questions:
1. JSX is amazing who knows it and using it, who said no one like JSX ? you didn't give any logical point whats wrong with JSX ? it works perfectly fine.
who told you to write if else in JSX you can also do before return and add logics at top , it means you don't know reactjs enough

2. just because of map ? you are switching don't make sense.

3. state management I agree sometimes get complicated but for beginners as you get seniors its simple

4. reactjs can also be clean and easy code but for that you have to understand to code the reactjs want to you do, for that you have to learn from documentation.

i will save my comment and learn vuejs now and comes back with my changes thoughts or even stronger for reactjs lets c

17 days ago

In terms of learning, Vue has an easier learning curve than React. Because Vue primarily uses HTML templates, React uses JSX alongside HTML as its code base. React offers component-based architecture for component state and DOM management, Vue comes with a pool of tools and supporting libraries.

17 days ago


17 days ago

Coming from PHP and Laravel background, I find Vue is the best choice for my projects.

17 days ago

less line of code does not mean best

17 days ago

you decision is wrong

17 days ago

Thank you for sharing.

17 days ago

You didn’t mention how good cue dev tools are in comparison to react dev tools, not to mention how well they integrate with vuex/ pinia

17 days ago

Already finished 20 plus projects in Nuxtjs/Vuejs. It's brilliant.

17 days ago

I love VUE & NUXT! Great video, great choice.

17 days ago

The hooks and useState in React drove me nuts. And I did not like being able to not put CSS in the code. You cleared up the a lot between Vue and React. Ha goo nee.

17 days ago

This is a good video! I agree it depends on your project whether you choose React or Vue, but as a UX architect I chose Vue for a project for a team with only JQuery experience, because it performed well, is extremely well documented, and frankly had a faster ramp-up. I agree Vue's HTML templates are so much easier to use. In fact, you can prototype with HTML in the browser, and then copy that html right into a Vue template without any changes most of the time. For JSX, you constantly have to translate the design into UI code. However, there are teams who already invested in learning REACT and there isn't time to train them to use a new framework. In that case, then I think you have to adopt what gets the project done on time…which most of the time is REACT these days.

17 days ago

Vuex us just legacy now .. Pinia is awesome. Easy, fast and powerful. React has this only as third party libraries like Zustand. Pinia is supported by core Vue team and this is where Vue is just better – all best is official Vue, Vite, Pinia, Router

17 days ago

Vue 3 with Typescript and Composition API has become a grown up web framework!

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