Comparing React Native and React JS in 2023: What Sets Them Apart and What They Have in Common

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React Native vs React JS in 2023

React Native vs React JS in 2023: Differences and Shared Features

React Native and React JS are two popular frameworks for building user interfaces, and they share a lot in common, but they also have some key differences. Here, we’ll take a look at what sets them apart and what they have in common as we head into 2023.

React Native

React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications using React. It allows developers to write mobile applications using JavaScript and React, and then deploy them to both iOS and Android platforms. This means that with React Native, you can write code once and have it work on both mobile platforms, saving time and effort.

React JS

React JS, on the other hand, is a library for building user interfaces for web applications. It allows developers to create interactive user interfaces using a component-based architecture. React JS has gained popularity for its performance and flexibility, making it a popular choice for building web applications.


One of the key differences between React Native and React JS is the target platform. React Native is specifically designed for building mobile applications, while React JS is focused on building web applications. This means that the tools and libraries available for each framework are different, and developers will need to have a different skill set to work with each platform.

Shared Features

Despite their differences, React Native and React JS share many features. They both use the same component-based architecture, allowing developers to build reusable and modular UI components. They both also use a virtual DOM, which helps to improve performance by efficiently updating the UI when data changes. Additionally, they both have a large and active community, which means that developers have access to plenty of resources and support when working with either framework.


As we head into 2023, both React Native and React JS continue to be popular choices for building user interfaces, whether for mobile or web applications. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they also share many key features that make them powerful tools for developers. Whether you’re building mobile applications or web applications, both React Native and React JS are worth considering for your next project.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

try a different approach to making your videos , This video is so exhausting , It feels like a National Geography voice

6 months ago

Why didn’t you mention react native for web at all?

What is better:
Monorepo: Next+Expo


NativeForWeb+Expo(+next for backend I guess)

What are the pros and cons of going with either approach?

6 months ago

Awesome editing, great sound, good animations. Keep up the great work!

6 months ago

Great breakdown, hopefully this will help me in an interview in the future if the question comes up.

6 months ago

Thanks man. Gonna pick up react native since I already know a good bit of ReactJS

6 months ago


6 months ago

I am an android, ios and flutter developer, front end developer and now I want to now develop web applications , so learning react JS will be essential or I should learn something else

6 months ago

Thanks for the information, really valuable and outstandingly explained!! You made it all very clear, and the options you shared for the mono repo were an extra that will come in very useful 💯💯

6 months ago

nice editing

6 months ago

Always enjoy your videos!!

6 months ago

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