Comparing Server-Side Data Fetching in Next.js 12 and 13

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Server-side data fetching in Next.js 12 vs. 13

Server-side data fetching in Next.js 12 vs. 13

Next.js is a popular React framework for building server-rendered applications. With the recent release of Next.js 13, there are some notable changes in server-side data fetching that developers should be aware of.

Next.js 12

In Next.js 12, server-side data fetching was typically done using the `getServerSideProps` or `getInitialProps` methods in a page component. These methods would run on the server for every incoming request and fetch the necessary data before rendering the page. While this approach worked well, it had some limitations in terms of performance and scalability.

Next.js 13

In Next.js 13, the team introduced a new data fetching approach called “incremental static regeneration” (ISR). With ISR, the initial request for a page will be served from a static cache while the server regenerates the page in the background. This allows for faster response times and better scalability, especially for pages with dynamic data.

How to use ISR

To take advantage of ISR in Next.js 13, developers can use the `getStaticProps` method in their page components. This method allows for pre-rendering of pages at build time, with the option to revalidate the data at regular intervals. By setting the `revalidate` option, developers can specify how often the page should be regenerated to fetch the latest data.

Benefits of ISR

There are several benefits to using ISR in Next.js 13 for server-side data fetching. Firstly, it improves the performance of the application by serving stale data from a static cache while fetching the latest data in the background. This results in faster response times for users and better scalability for the application.

Additionally, ISR allows for better control over how and when data is fetched, making it easier to manage and update dynamic content on a page. This can be especially useful for pages with frequently changing data, such as news feeds or product listings.


With the introduction of incremental static regeneration in Next.js 13, server-side data fetching has become more efficient and scalable. By using the `getStaticProps` method and ISR, developers can take advantage of the benefits of pre-rendering and background data fetching to create faster and more responsive applications.

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MTH Creative World
7 months ago

Is it mandatory for sever side rendering creating app directoy?
Can I render serverside inside src directory?

7 months ago

i am not use "use client" data fetching in next 13

7 months ago

From Rick Grimes the Sheriff to Rick Grimes the Programmer

7 months ago

Thanks man ❤❤❤❤

Adarsh Srivastava
7 months ago

Sam's webDev god

Jānis Grīnvalds
7 months ago

You used the getUser function, not fetch which can be provided with auto and demanded data validation. I am now struggling to get it to work with fetch… and with no luck.

7 months ago

Great format, would love more content in this straight-to-the-point way

Steve Dylan
7 months ago

This came in clutch when migrating to the 13 beta; thank you thank you 🙏🏻

Peter Kellner
7 months ago

I notice you did not go back to the Layout component after you converted Header to async. You would have seen a nasty TypeScript error complaining that the component is not valid (I'm sure you know this).

I hope Vercel is really on top of getting that fixed. A little disappointed you did not show that error, as it makes it look like life is completely good and simple (which it is not with NextJS 13 at the moment)

7 months ago

These videos teach me more than reading multiple pages of the docs. At least that's my experience. I'd love to see git repos for the videos, in this one, i am particularly interested in the nav link component

Magna Carta
7 months ago

at 2:30 you said that it will not log because it's a server component, but what about at 0:44? I thought every component in pages directory are server side rendered. Why is it being able to log the user data into the client?

Ken Tay
7 months ago

Does anybobdy knows why in your video you can make your component async and me I got this error whenever I try ? "index.js?46cb:602 Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: [object Promise]). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."

7 months ago

Kinda a bad example at the start since the header would practically be inside of the layout.

7 months ago

sorry not a fan of next 13, next 12 was great

Mohammed Ramadan
7 months ago


xi` kago
7 months ago

This man said fuck a Intro and got to the point. we need more vids from him.

7 months ago

How to get cookies from the layout component?

Akib Khan
7 months ago

How to send data from server components to client components

7 months ago

Awesome stuff, can't wait for Typescript to allow the usage of Async components without needing to use an ignore line flag

Janis Basis Basovs
7 months ago

Is this really SSR? I think no! It will be static page with fetched data from build time… Try to deploy your app, open your newly deployed website, update your backend data and refresh your website, the new into will not appear.