
Comparing Vue.js vs. React: Areas Where Vue.js Excels

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What Vue.js Does Better Than React

What Vue.js Does Better Than React

Vue.js and React are two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for building user interfaces. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, but there are certain aspects in which Vue.js outshines React.

1. Simplicity and Ease of Learning

Vue.js is often praised for its simplicity and ease of learning. Its syntax is intuitive and easy to understand, making it a great choice for beginners. React, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve due to its reliance on JSX and the complex concepts it introduces.

2. Flexibility

Vue.js offers more flexibility by allowing developers to choose between different approaches to development. You can start with a simple script include and gradually adopt the more advanced features of the framework as needed. React, on the other hand, has a more rigid structure and requires developers to follow the component-based architecture strictly.

3. Two-Way Data Binding

Vue.js provides out-of-the-box support for two-way data binding, meaning changes in the model automatically update the view, and changes in the view automatically update the model. React, on the other hand, uses a one-way data flow, where data changes are propagated from parent to child components.

4. Size and Performance

Vue.js is known for its smaller file size, making it lightweight and fast to load. React, on the other hand, can be quite heavy due to its vast ecosystem of libraries and tools. Additionally, Vue.js is also faster in terms of performance as it uses a virtual DOM that is optimized for efficient rendering.

5. Ecosystem

While React has a larger and more mature ecosystem, Vue.js is quickly catching up. The Vue.js ecosystem offers a variety of official plugins and tools, along with a helpful and active community. The simplicity and flexibility of Vue.js make it easier to integrate with existing projects, making it a popular choice for developers.


VVue.js and React are both powerful JavaScript frameworks with their own advantages, but Vue.js stands out in terms of simplicity, flexibility, two-way data binding, size, and performance. It provides a more beginner-friendly learning curve, offers more options for development, and has a smaller footprint. However, the choice between Vue.js and React ultimately depends on the specific requirements and preferences of the project.

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JoshC V3
8 months ago

I love Vue and once I learned it and worked with it quite a bit, going back to writing react just feels like an obnoxious experience.

8 months ago

Still a hard no from me, the slots idea is the only thing I think react could steal. Composition pattern solves this but I think something native would be better

I really don't like the abstractions Vue puts on its underlying technologies, there's no need to reinvent the wheel

Gergely Dremák
8 months ago

The best thing about Vue IMO is the Vue devtools briwser extension.

8 months ago

The main thing keeping me from using vue is that there is no mature tiny version of it like preact for react. Petite-vue exists but seems unmaintained.

8 months ago

composition API changed everything, Vue.js became so much better because of it. I'm now preferring Vue.js than React, and that is something I never thought I would say.

Madrid forever
8 months ago

Things are getting more interesting now with Vue 3 and the composition API approach 😁but unfortunately not many VueJs job vacancies here in Europe.

8 months ago

didnt like the disclaimer… you can do everything that react can do with vue but with vue you can do more and faster… not mentioning how easy its to learnwhich should be a huge factor taking in mind how expencive senior developers are.

Godstrump George
8 months ago

I like Vue and also love React but I just think the stones we threw at Angular for being too opionated, we are using those same stones to build Vue. When I see Vue I see Angular. Angular has directives, custom directives etc. And most of this so called abstraction from the get go. Hence I am really not impressed or surprised or shocked or even the least wowed. Leave React as library as it is and if you want to use a framework under the react umbrella — you have Nextjs, Gatsby, Blitz etc. "People be acting like two legends can not coexist."

Victor Reis
8 months ago

Merging everything on the same file is not good hahahaha
We need to separate responsibility and concerns as a good practice.

Aside from this, good work in showing these things. I'm starting in a new company that uses Vue, so I'm doing this transition.

Mohammad Mohammed
8 months ago

Thank you so much

Mike Boardley
8 months ago

I started learning React a few years ago, switched to VueJS and never looked back. Vue is actually fun to work with React is not in my opinion.
I tell recruiters I only work on Vue projects and guess what? I get calls for VueJS projects. My life is soo much better because of VueJS. I love it.

Isaac Souza
8 months ago

I'm primarily a Vue developer and right now I'm learning react (the company is asking me to) and I'm hating it, to be completely honest, it is unbelievable how React makes things so much more complex, I really don't understand why React is so popular, I guess it is because developers in general like to deal with complexity, if a new framework makes things simpler, then they don't like it

8 months ago

Vuejs engineer? Too many fake engineer these days 😂

Isaac Muniz
8 months ago

GREAT video, man. Thanks. 🙂

Isaac Muniz
8 months ago


Smash Media & Apps
8 months ago

Vue 3 is amazing. Everytime – I'm shocked at how polished and far I can get in such little time – all while easily organizing my code and staying DRY as I go… with vue.js. It's really awesome.

8 months ago

I know basic JavaScript, is it better to learn Vue.js or React.js ?

Kevin Vishal
8 months ago

Thank you 👍

8 months ago

I could listen to you all day

Jonathan Cousins
8 months ago

TS support is not a big deal to me. Typescript is definitely something I'm staying away from