
Comparison between Elements and Components in React – Interview Question Part 2 #codewithsimon 15 #reactjs #react #interview

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Elements VS Component – React Interview Question Part 2

Elements VS Component – React Interview Question Part 2

When working with React, it’s important to understand the difference between elements and components. In this article, we will delve into this topic and explore the nuances of each. This is part 2 of the #codewithsimon series focusing on React interview questions.


In React, elements are the smallest building blocks of a React application. They are plain objects that describe what you want to see on the screen. Elements can be thought of as the equivalent of HTML tags.


Components, on the other hand, are reusable and independent pieces of code that encapsulate a part of the user interface. They can be composed of multiple elements and can have their own state and lifecycle methods. Components are what make React applications modular and maintainable.


So, what is the key difference between elements and components? Elements are plain JavaScript objects, while components are functions or classes. Elements are static and describe what you want to render, while components are dynamic and can have their own logic and behavior.

How to Use Them

When creating a React application, you will typically define elements using JSX (or React.createElement) and then compose them into components. Components can be reused multiple times throughout your application, making them a powerful tool for building complex user interfaces.


Understanding the difference between elements and components is crucial for anyone working with React. Elements are the basic building blocks, while components are the reusable pieces that make up your application. By mastering the use of both, you can create scalable and maintainable React applications.

Thank you for reading part 2 of the #codewithsimon series. Stay tuned for more React interview questions and tips!

Tags: #reactjs #react #interview