Comparison of Ruby on Rails and Next.js

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Ruby on Rails vs Next.js: A Comparison

When it comes to web development, two popular choices among developers are Ruby on Rails and Next.js. Both are powerful frameworks that have their own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will compare the two and help you decide which one is the best fit for your project.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, often simply called Rails, is a popular open-source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is known for its convention over configuration approach, which means that it provides default solutions for common problems, allowing developers to focus on writing business logic rather than setting up configurations.

One of the key advantages of Ruby on Rails is its strong community support and a rich ecosystem of libraries and plugins, making it easy to find solutions to various problems. It also follows the principles of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and promotes code reusability, which can help in creating maintainable and scalable applications.


Next.js, on the other hand, is a popular open-source React framework that enables server-side rendering and generates static websites for React applications. It provides features like automatic code splitting, hot module replacement, and serverless functions, which can improve performance and scalability of the application.

Next.js is known for its flexibility and customizability, allowing developers to build highly interactive and dynamic user interfaces. It also has a strong focus on performance, enabling fast page loading and smooth user experiences.


Now that we have an understanding of both frameworks, let’s compare them based on various aspects:

  1. Performance: Next.js is known for its superior performance due to server-side rendering and automatic code splitting, whereas Ruby on Rails may require additional optimizations for performance-critical applications.
  2. Flexibility: Next.js offers more flexibility and customizability for building highly interactive user interfaces, while Ruby on Rails provides a more conventional approach with default solutions for common problems.
  3. Community Support: Ruby on Rails has a strong community and a rich ecosystem of libraries and plugins, making it easy to find solutions to various problems, whereas Next.js also has a growing community but may have fewer resources compared to Rails.
  4. Learning Curve: Next.js, being based on React, may have a steeper learning curve for beginners, whereas Ruby on Rails has a more straightforward and beginner-friendly syntax, making it easier to get started.


Both Ruby on Rails and Next.js are powerful frameworks with their own strengths and weaknesses. If you are looking for a convention-based approach with strong community support and a focus on code reusability, Ruby on Rails may be the best choice. On the other hand, if you require flexibility, performance, and scalability for building highly interactive user interfaces, Next.js may be the way to go.

Ultimately, the choice between Ruby on Rails and Next.js depends on the specific requirements and goals of your project. It is important to carefully evaluate the features and capabilities of each framework to make an informed decision.

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7 months ago

did you know that two of the biggest apps out there are in ruby on rails? github and shopify, what a mess when you said that rails is slow, sometimes people just talk for talk with no argument