
Complete Course on MERN Authentication and Authorization Using JWT | MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS, React

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MERN Authentication & Authorization With JWT | MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS, React | Full Course

MERN Authentication & Authorization With JWT | MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS, React | Full Course

In this full course, we will cover how to implement authentication and authorization in a MERN (MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS, React) stack application using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

Tools and Technologies Used:

  • MongoDB – to store user information
  • Express JS – for creating the backend API
  • Node JS – for server-side development
  • React – for front-end development
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) – for secure authentication and authorization

Course Outline:

  1. Setting up MongoDB database
  2. Creating a Node JS server with Express JS
  3. Implementing user registration and login functionality
  4. Generating JWT tokens for authentication
  5. Using JWT tokens for protecting routes and implementing user authorization
  6. Building a React front-end for the authentication flow


By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to implement authentication and authorization in a MERN stack application using JSON Web Tokens. This knowledge will be invaluable when building secure and robust web applications.