Complete Django User Account Creation setup in Tamil – Part 7 – Full Django Course | Django Auth Tutorial

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Django Full Course – part-7 | Complete Django User Account Creation setup tamil | Django Auth tamil

Django Full Course – part-7 | Complete Django User Account Creation setup tamil | Django Auth tamil

Welcome to part-7 of our Django full course in Tamil! In this tutorial, we will be covering the complete setup of user account creation in Django, including authentication and authorization, in Tamil.

Step 1: Setup Django User Model

The first step in setting up user account creation in Django is to configure the user model. By default, Django comes with a User model that includes basic fields like username, email, password, etc. You can customize this model by creating a custom user model that inherits from the AbstractBaseUser class.

Step 2: Create User Registration Form

Next, you need to create a user registration form where users can input their information to create an account. This form will typically include fields for username, email, password, etc. You can use Django’s built-in forms library to create this form easily.

Step 3: Implement User Authentication

Once you have the user registration form set up, you need to implement user authentication to allow users to log in to their accounts. Django provides a built-in authentication system that you can use to authenticate users based on their credentials.

Step 4: Add User Authorization

Lastly, you need to add user authorization to restrict access to certain parts of your application. You can use Django’s built-in permission system to assign permissions to users based on their roles or user groups.

That’s it! By following these steps, you can set up a complete user account creation system in Django in Tamil. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Stay tuned for more tutorials on Django in Tamil!

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