
Complete SST in 100 seconds

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Exploring SST in 100 Seconds

Exploring SST in 100 Seconds

What is SST and how does it impact our daily lives? Here, we’ll explore the concept of SST in just 100 seconds.

What is SST?

SST stands for Sea Surface Temperature. It is the temperature of the water at the ocean’s surface. This measurement is an important indicator of the Earth’s climate system, as it influences weather patterns, ocean currents, and marine ecosystems.

Why is SST Important?

Changes in SST can have significant impacts on the environment and human activities. For example, warmer SSTs can lead to more intense and frequent hurricanes, while cooler SSTs can cause disruptions in marine food chains.

Exploring SST in 100 Seconds

It’s important to monitor SST to better understand and predict climate patterns. In just 100 seconds, we can gain a basic understanding of the importance of SST and its role in shaping our world.


SST is a critical component of the Earth’s climate system. By paying attention to SST changes, we can better prepare for and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

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6 months ago

this is basically, deploy the infrastructure as you code.

6 months ago

While this is interesting, I'm always wary of these layers-upon-layers of magical abstractions. All cost concerns aside, which can easily be controlled and aren't the boogyman man of the comments might suggest; you're not learning enough about the underlying infrastructure you're maniuplating. All abstractions come with this cost. Even with CDK, which I've adopted and started using because you need some sort of IaC tool for automation, you've got to understand what's happening under your code. To me, if you're strictly AWS, CDK is the way to go, and adding another layer on top of that might be easier, but you learn and understand less of the consequences of what you're executing.

All that being said, we're mired in frameworks, built atop frameworks, embedded with endless layers of abstraction and configuration. There's a shiny new toy every-other-day. You can chase your tail around for years and never settle on "THE stack"…and all of these toys achieve the same thing, in the end. At what point do you select "the best" tools and stick to them for more than a few months, or even a few years?

As neat as this is, I prefer to stay as close to the "bare metal" as possible, while accepting that the market will push you into certain things that you have no choice in adopting. Keep it as simple as possible, even if it's more difficult and requires a little more code and understanding. These frameworks come and go, seemingly overnight. If you stick to strong fundamentals and as few abstractions as possible, you'll waste less time and build more stable environments.

6 months ago

Cool! What does SST stands for?

6 months ago

This is really impress me, This really develop Infrastructure as code

6 months ago

He wrote "Hi, mom, I'm using AWS" 😢

6 months ago

are there azure and GCP versions of this?

6 months ago


6 months ago

SST is cool but only for those who know the underlying AWS services it spins up and working with them at least for few months. If a newbie uses SST, he's screwed.

6 months ago

It can be used to create HEROKU CLONE

6 months ago

Can you do a in 100 seconds video on Ballerina lang?

6 months ago

I understand next to nothing of what I just heard and read. But it looks cool !

6 months ago

Don't talk shit about SEGA Sound Team. Sickest band around.

6 months ago

Can you do a 100s fireship video for Objectbox NoSqlite DB ?

6 months ago

pki or certificates in general would be sick

6 months ago

Why would you use that when you can use CDK. Unnecessary abstraction and doomed to fail.

6 months ago

did anyone else think it was social studies

6 months ago

Sounds like a 1 click button to decimate your bank account.

6 months ago

currently using amplify in prod, would be curious to know the differences in usecase and if sst could be a drop in replacement

6 months ago

would be nice to see a JSDoc vs Typescript in 100 seconds video

6 months ago

eslint next pls