Complete Tutorial: Creating .apk and .aab Files for Android App Using Python PyGame and Buildozer

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Python PyGame to Android App: How to make .apk and .aab files with Buildozer Full Tutorial

Python PyGame to Android App: How to make .apk and .aab files with Buildozer Full Tutorial

If you’ve developed a game or an application using Python PyGame and want to take it to the next level by turning it into an Android app, then you’re in the right place. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of using Buildozer to package your Python PyGame project into .apk and .aab files that can be installed on Android devices.

Step 1: Install Buildozer

Before we can get started, we need to install Buildozer. Buildozer is a tool that automates the process of building and packaging Python applications for Android. You can install Buildozer using pip:

$ pip install buildozer

Step 2: Prepare your Python PyGame project

Make sure your Python PyGame project is ready for deployment. This includes ensuring that all the necessary dependencies are listed in a requirements.txt file and that your project is structured properly.

Step 3: Configure the Buildozer.spec file

Buildozer uses a configuration file called buildozer.spec to specify the details of your project, such as its name, version, and required permissions. It’s important to properly configure this file before attempting to build your Android app. Here’s an example of what a buildozer.spec file might look like for a Python PyGame project:

title = MyPyGameApp = com.example.mypygameapp
package.domain = org.example
source.dir = .
source.include_exts = py
source.include_patterns = **/*.py
version = 1.0
requirements = python3,kivy

Step 4: Build the .apk and .aab files

With Buildozer properly configured, you can now build the .apk and .aab files for your Android app. Navigate to the directory containing your Python PyGame project and run the following command:

$ buildozer android debug deploy run

Step 5: Install and test your Android app

Once the build process is complete, you should have .apk and .aab files generated in the bin directory of your project. Transfer these files to your Android device and install them to test your Python PyGame app.


With Buildozer, it’s relatively easy to package a Python PyGame project into an Android app. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create .apk and .aab files for your app and take your game or application to a whole new audience of Android users.

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6 months ago

I have an issue with architecture can you help me?

My .spec file is set correctly:

source.include_exts = py,png,jpg,kv,atlas,ttf,ogg,json,txt
requirements = python3,pygame,jnius,sdl2,sdl2_image,sdl2_mixer,sdl2_ttf,png,jpeg
android.archs = arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a

12-06 14:35:19.850 3176 3311 I python : Traceback (most recent call last):
12-06 14:35:19.850 3176 3311 I python : File "/home/ubuntu/pygame-flash-cards/.buildozer/android/app/", line 1, in <module>
12-06 14:35:19.851 3176 3311 I python : File "/home/ubuntu/pygame-flash-cards/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a/build/python-installs/dilema/arm64-v8a/pygame/", line 127, in <module>
12-06 14:35:19.851 3176 3311 I python : ImportError: dlopen failed: "/data/data/org.roman.dilema/files/app/_python_bundle/site-packages/pygame/" is for EM_X86_64 (62) instead of EM_AARCH64 (183)
12-06 14:35:19.851 3176 3311 I python : Python for android ended.

6 months ago

Hi thanks for the video. I am having trouble with android permissions like INTERNET and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. Even though I have included them in my buildozer spec file my app can't connect to Internet and save files to SD card. Could you please help?

6 months ago

How about to show how to make in-app purchases for Google Play in Kivy or PyGame code ?

6 months ago

Hey dude ! I tried turning a pool game in py to apk. Even though it was succesful, but when I opened the app, it didn't run and crashed immediately, I don't know what's wrong, is it because the window of the game is too big ? I checked the images and they are fine. Please help me, thank you so much !

6 months ago

this doesnt seem to work for me. followed steps with sudo, without sudo, buildozer fails to download (at random 80-99.9%) necessary android packages complaining about urllib and downloaded file sizes smaller than expected. if i manually dl android packages it works until it starts to download hostpython and hangs there as well complaining about downloaded file size smaller than etc etc..urllib error again. im not sure how to proceed. btw, i did this on win10, virtualbox, etc. also same errors with windows powershell ubuntu emulation. dl always hangs and scripts seem to give up after a few tries. no problems downloading anything else, big or small. also, pip, pip3 works, never hangs. just buildozer scripts. halp.

6 months ago

Olá tudo bem goste muito dos seus vídeos
mas tenho é esso quando faço Buildozer dá esse erro o que pode vir ser e esse erro da no final # Buildozer failed to execute the last command

# The error might be hidden in the log above this error
# Please read the full log, and search for it before
# raising an issue with buildozer itself.
# In case of a bug report, please add a full log with log_level = 2

6 months ago

keep up the good work man, this tutorial has helped me alot, i am now uploading version 0.2 of my app. thanks you!

6 months ago

Hello i have apk ineed to convert to aab can help me

6 months ago

Hey, do you think the fps are better than on web?

6 months ago

Great, useful video! By the way, I'm not sure if you are interested but I sent you an email to your business contact.

6 months ago

hey man! remember me? Mudei para python e estou aprendendo um pouco de C 🙂 yup learning portughese!

6 months ago

can we run buildozer in google colab?
Would that work?

6 months ago

That's HElpful:)))

6 months ago

I've seen the web version and it's great, thanks a lot, I was looking for something like this for a long time. I just need to watch carefully your tutorial.

6 months ago

That's my little buddy… 🤔😏