Computer Vision with TensorFlow-Lite on Raspberry Pi 4 for Vehicle Counting

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Raspberry Pi 4 and TensorFlow Lite for Counting Vehicles

Raspberry Pi 4 and TensorFlow Lite for Counting Vehicles

The Raspberry Pi 4 is a powerful single-board computer that is popular for its versatility and affordability. It can be used for a wide range of projects, including computer vision applications. One such application is counting vehicles using TensorFlow Lite, a lightweight version of the popular machine learning framework.

TensorFlow Lite on Raspberry Pi 4

TensorFlow Lite is designed for mobile and edge devices, making it a perfect fit for the Raspberry Pi 4. It allows developers to run machine learning models on the Pi, enabling tasks such as object detection, image classification, and more. With the help of TensorFlow Lite, the Raspberry Pi 4 can be used to count vehicles in real-time using computer vision techniques.

Computer Vision and Vehicle Counting

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand and interpret visual information from the real world. Vehicle counting using computer vision involves the use of cameras to capture images or videos of traffic, and then using machine learning models to detect and count the vehicles in the footage.

Building a Vehicle Counting System

To build a vehicle counting system using TensorFlow Lite and Raspberry Pi 4, you will need a camera module or a USB webcam to capture the traffic footage. You can then use TensorFlow Lite to deploy a pre-trained machine learning model for vehicle detection and counting. The Pi’s processing power and TensorFlow Lite’s efficiency make it possible to perform these tasks in real-time, making it ideal for applications such as traffic monitoring and management.


The combination of Raspberry Pi 4 and TensorFlow Lite opens up a world of possibilities for computer vision applications, including vehicle counting. With the right hardware and software setup, it is possible to create a cost-effective and efficient vehicle counting system using the Raspberry Pi 4 and TensorFlow Lite.

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6 months ago

Is raspberry pi 4 4gb or 8gb should be used? Which would you recommend?

6 months ago

That is awesome bro. Thanks for the efforts 👌. I just wonder beside Raspberry pi 4 what other tools you are used, are you connecting external camera to the Raspberry pi 4, would be appreciated to show the hardware part😊

6 months ago

Hey Bro! Thanks and congratulations. Excellent projects with computer vision! Would be awesome apply this with robotics applications.

6 months ago

is it possible to control the arduino relay using yolov5 in pc if possible sir please tutorial sir thank you

6 months ago

Can use custom model ?