Conceal PyInstaller’s black screen or console display

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Hide PyInstaller Black Screen

How to Hide PyInstaller Black Screen or Console Screen

If you have ever used PyInstaller to create standalone executable files from your Python scripts, you may have noticed that when you run the executable, it displays a black screen or console window along with your application’s GUI. This black screen can be distracting and unprofessional, especially if you want to distribute your application to end users.

Fortunately, there is a way to hide the PyInstaller black screen or console screen. In order to do this, you need to modify the PyInstaller spec file that was generated when you ran PyInstaller on your script.

Here’s how you can hide the black screen:

  1. Open the spec file in a text editor. This file typically has the same name as your script, but with a .spec extension (e.g. myscript.spec).
  2. Find the line that says console=True and change it to console=False.
  3. Save the spec file and re-run PyInstaller with the modified spec file. Your executable should now run without displaying the black screen.

By following these steps, you can hide the PyInstaller black screen and create a more professional-looking standalone executable for your Python script. Your end users will thank you for the cleaner user experience!

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