Concept of Basic API Routing in FastAPI

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FastAPI Basic API Router Concept

The FastAPI Basic API Router Concept

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints. One of the key concepts in FastAPI is the API Router, which is used to organize and group related API endpoints.

What is an API Router in FastAPI?

An API Router in FastAPI is a class that represents a collection of related API endpoints. It is responsible for handling and routing incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate endpoint functions. By using API routers, you can organize your API endpoints in a logical and structured manner.

Creating an API Router in FastAPI

To create an API router in FastAPI, you need to create an instance of the APIRouter class from the fastapi module:

    from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter

    app = FastAPI()

    router = APIRouter()

Once you have created an instance of the APIRouter class, you can define your API endpoints by using the @router.{method}() decorator, where {method} is the HTTP method (e.g., get, post, put, delete).

Using an API Router in FastAPI

To use an API router in FastAPI, you need to include the router in your main FastAPI application by using the app.include_router() method:

    from fastapi import FastAPI

    app = FastAPI()


With this setup, any requests that match the paths defined in the API router will be routed to the corresponding endpoint functions. This allows you to keep your codebase organized and maintainable, especially as your API grows in complexity.


The API Router concept in FastAPI provides a flexible and powerful way to organize and group your API endpoints. By using API routers, you can keep your codebase structured and maintainable, making it easier to manage and scale your API applications.

For more information on FastAPI and the API Router concept, refer to the official FastAPI documentation at

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