1. Containers and Layouts with Python and PyQt

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Python PyQt Containers and Layouts

Python and PyQt are powerful tools for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for desktop applications. In this tutorial, we will learn about containers and layouts in PyQt. Containers are used to hold and organize the various elements of a GUI, while layouts are used to arrange these elements within a container.

Creating a Container

To create a container in PyQt, we can use the QWidget class. This class is the base class for all user interface elements in PyQt. We can create a new container by instantiating the QWidget class:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

container = QWidget()


In this example, we create a new container called container and set its title using the setWindowTitle method. We then call the show method to display the container on the screen.

Adding Elements to a Container

To add elements to a container in PyQt, we can use layout managers. Layout managers are used to arrange elements within a container in a specific way.

There are several different types of layout managers in PyQt, including QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout, and QFormLayout. Each layout manager has its own unique properties and methods for arranging elements within a container.

Let’s take a look at how we can add a button to a container using a QVBoxLayout in PyQt:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

container = QWidget()

button = QPushButton("Click me!")

layout = QVBoxLayout()



In this example, we create a new button called button and add it to a QVBoxLayout called layout using the addWidget method. We then set the layout of the container to be layout using the setLayout method.

Different Types of Layouts

As mentioned earlier, there are several different types of layout managers in PyQt. Each layout manager has its own unique properties and methods for arranging elements within a container.

  1. QVBoxLayout: Arranges elements vertically, stacking them on top of each other.
  2. QHBoxLayout: Arranges elements horizontally, lining them up next to each other.
  3. QGridLayout: Arranges elements in a grid, with rows and columns.
  4. QFormLayout: Arranges label-widget pairs in a form-like layout.

Let’s take a look at an example of using a QGridLayout to arrange elements in a grid:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QPushButton, QGridLayout

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

container = QWidget()

button1 = QPushButton("Button 1")
button2 = QPushButton("Button 2")
button3 = QPushButton("Button 3")

layout = QGridLayout()
layout.addWidget(button1, 0, 0)
layout.addWidget(button2, 0, 1)
layout.addWidget(button3, 1, 0)



In this example, we create three new buttons called button1, button2, and button3. We then add these buttons to a QGridLayout called layout using the addWidget method, specifying the row and column indices for each button. Finally, we set the layout of the container to be layout using the setLayout method.


In this tutorial, we have learned about containers and layouts in PyQt. Containers are used to hold and organize the various elements of a GUI, while layouts are used to arrange these elements within a container. By using layout managers such as QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QGridLayout, and QFormLayout, we can easily create complex and professional-looking GUIs in PyQt. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in understanding how to use containers and layouts in PyQt. Thank you for reading!

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2 hours ago

I have suffered enough. I was giving up before clicking on this. Even AI hates me, I have asked so many questions

2 hours ago

Phenomenal explanation, I really hope you keep posting more. But I see the uploads seem to have stopped long ago

2 hours ago

thank you very much sir. was strugling with pyqt and i am too lazy to go through the documentation.

2 hours ago

OMG! Thank you sir. I spent over a week(I wish I was exaggerating lol) trying to build a responsive/dynamic GUI using Qt designer by asking ChatGPT, Claude & Gemini for instructions and I was "smash your keyboard" frustrated! You sir @PanoPython are smarter than an AI.

I kept using the layout widget instead of the toolbar layout. After watching over 10 different other Youtube videos(smh lol), yours finally solved it for me.

I would be ungrateful If I didn't spare the few seconds to thank you. Thank you!

2 hours ago

OMG! Thank you sir. I spent over a week(I wish I was exaggerating lol) trying to build a responsive/dynamic GUI using Qt designer by asking ChatGPT, Claude & Gemini for instructions and I was "smash your keyboard" frustrated! You sir @PanoPython are smarter than an AI.
I kept using the layout widget instead of the toolbar layout. After watching over 10 different other Youtube videos(smh lol), yours finally solved it for me.
I will be ungrateful If I didn't spare the few seconds to thank you. Thank you!

2 hours ago

Thank you a lot!

2 hours ago

Thank you for this, please continue making this kind of video.

2 hours ago

before watching this video, i spent hours trying to figure out what went wrong with my application, I didnt reaise that I have been using wrong layouts. Thank u so much , I woulnt have wasted so much time if i had known. Great Video!!

2 hours ago

Thank you sir . This layout thing is making me go crazy .

2 hours ago

Thanks Alan. This is how one explain and show how to code on PYQT. Hope you make more videos because you I can follow. Thanks

2 hours ago

That was the video I searched for. Thank you.

2 hours ago

Thank you! It's a really useful tutorial.

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