
Contents Page for VueJS Component

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Table of Contents VueJS Component

Table of Contents VueJS Component

Table of contents is an essential element for organizing and navigating long documents or web pages. In VueJS, you can create a table of contents component to dynamically generate a list of links to different sections of your content. This allows users to easily navigate and find the information they need.

Creating the Table of Contents Component

To create a table of contents component in VueJS, you can use the following HTML code:

            <li v-for="section in sections">
              <a :href="`#${section.id}`" >{{section.title}}</a>

        export default {
          data() {
            return {
              sections: [
                { id: 'section1', title: 'Section 1' },
                { id: 'section2', title: 'Section 2' },
                { id: 'section3', title: 'Section 3' },
                // Add more sections as needed

This example code creates a simple table of contents component that iterates through an array of sections and generates a list of links with their respective titles.

Using the Table of Contents Component

Once you have created your table of contents component, you can then use it in your VueJS application by simply including it in the template of any page or document that requires a table of contents:

          <section id="section1">
            <h2>Section 1</h2>
            <p>Content of section 1</p>
          <section id="section2">
            <h2>Section 2</h2>
            <p>Content of section 2</p>
          <section id="section3">
            <h2>Section 3</h2>
            <p>Content of section 3</p>

        import TableOfContents from './TableOfContents.vue';

        export default {
          components: {

In this example, the table of contents component is included at the top of the page template and is followed by the different sections of the content. When the page is rendered, the table of contents will generate a list of links to navigate to each section.


Creating a table of contents VueJS component allows for easy navigation and organization of content within your application. This can improve user experience and help users find the information they need quickly and efficiently. By using VueJS, you can dynamically generate the table of contents based on the content of your page, making it a powerful and flexible tool for managing long documents or web pages.

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Mr Fix It
7 months ago

How do someone become so good in front-end like this?
For sure you are really good, I want to be this good especially in Vue.
These simple but sophisticated concepts, one will surely need them at some point. For example you have an article and you want to generate a Table of content on fly, this can come in handy.
Thank you.

7 months ago

I liked that TailwindCss trick with the group, didn’t know it worked in that way too.

Learn with Faisal
7 months ago

VS code thank you very much 😄😄😄😄

7 months ago

Great tutorial for practice.