
Controlling Flow in Angular: A Complete Guide

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Understanding Angular Control Flow

Control flow refers to the order in which statements are executed within a program. In Angular, control flow plays a crucial role in managing the sequence of operations and data flow within a web application. Understanding and effectively utilizing control flow in Angular is essential for developing efficient and responsive applications.

ngIf Directive

The ngIf directive is one of the primary control flow directives in Angular. It allows developers to conditionally render or remove elements based on a logical expression. This directive is often used to show or hide elements based on specific conditions, improving the overall user experience.

For example, consider the following code snippet:

<div *ngIf="user.loggedIn">
  Welcome, <span>{{ user.name }}</span>!

In this example, the <div> element will only be displayed if the loggedIn property of the user object is true. Otherwise, it will be removed from the DOM.

ngFor Directive

The ngFor directive is another crucial control flow directive in Angular. It enables developers to iterate over arrays or objects and generate HTML elements dynamically based on the provided data.

Consider the following example:

  <li *ngFor="let item of items">
    {{ item }}

In this example, the <li> element will be created for each item in the items array, resulting in a list of items. Any changes made to the items array will automatically reflect in the rendered HTML elements.

ngSwitch Directive

The ngSwitch directive provides a control flow mechanism similar to the switch statement in JavaScript. It allows developers to conditionally display elements based on a specific value or expression.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of ngSwitch:

<div [ngSwitch]="color">
  <p *ngSwitchCase="'red'">Red color selected.</p>
  <p *ngSwitchCase="'green'">Green color selected.</p>
  <p *ngSwitchCase="'blue'">Blue color selected.</p>
  <p *ngSwitchDefault>No color selected.</p>

In this example, the <div> element will display a different <p> element based on the value of the color property. If the color property matches any of the defined ngSwitchCase values, the corresponding <p> element will be displayed. If no match is found, the <p> element specified within ngSwitchDefault will be rendered instead.


Understanding Angular control flow is crucial for building dynamic and responsive web applications. The ngIf, ngFor, and ngSwitch directives provide powerful control flow mechanisms that enable developers to conditionally render or remove elements, iterate over dynamic data, and display elements based on specific values or expressions. By effectively utilizing these directives, developers can create more interactive and engaging Angular applications.

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Ramesh Mavuluri
8 months ago

Hi Nivek, Thanks for your videos. What theme are you using in webstorm???

Sivuyile Magutywa
8 months ago

the For loop old way is better than the new way in my opinion, the new if is better if you not reuse the templates,

Jay H.
8 months ago

Great stream and overview, thanks!

Manivannan Durairaj
8 months ago

Hi @Nivek, I am big fan of your videos, I remember you are first person explaining all the new angular features before it got released. I really learn new stuff today. Thank you!. What was the editor you are using for the auto suggestions?