Converting Kivy/KivyMD to Android APK with GitHub Action | Resolving Buildozer Failed Error in Colab

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Kivy/KivyMD to Android APK using GitHub Action | Colab Buildozer Failed Error Fixed

Kivy/KivyMD to Android APK using GitHub Action | Colab Buildozer Failed Error Fixed

Building an Android APK for a Kivy/KivyMD project using GitHub Action and Colab Buildozer can sometimes lead to a “failed” error. This can be frustrating, but with a few simple fixes, you can successfully build your APK without any issues. In this article, we will go over the steps to fix the Colab Buildozer failed error and successfully build your Kivy/KivyMD project into an Android APK.

Step 1: Identify the Issue

The first step in fixing the Colab Buildozer failed error is to identify the issue. This error can occur for a variety of reasons, such as missing dependencies, incorrect configurations, or build errors. By carefully reviewing the error message and the build log, you can pinpoint the exact cause of the failed error.

Step 2: Update Dependencies

Once you have identified the issue, the next step is to update any missing or outdated dependencies. This may include installing additional packages, updating the Kivy/KivyMD framework, or ensuring that all required libraries are properly installed. By keeping your dependencies up to date, you can resolve any compatibility issues and ensure a successful build.

Step 3: Check Build Configurations

In some cases, the Colab Buildozer failed error may be caused by incorrect build configurations. Make sure that your buildozer.spec file is properly configured with the correct settings for your project. This includes specifying the required permissions, adding any necessary resources, and setting the package name and version. By double-checking your build configurations, you can ensure that the build process runs smoothly without any errors.

Step 4: Resolve Build Errors

If the failed error is due to build errors, you will need to address these issues in your Kivy/KivyMD project. Common build errors may include syntax errors, unresolved dependencies, or conflicting package versions. By carefully reviewing the build log and troubleshooting any errors, you can fix the issues and successfully build your Android APK.

Step 5: Build the APK

Once you have fixed any issues causing the Colab Buildozer failed error, you can proceed to build your Kivy/KivyMD project into an Android APK. Run the buildozer android debug command in your Colab notebook or GitHub Action workflow, and the build process should now complete without any errors. You can then download the generated APK and test it on an Android device to ensure that everything is working as expected.


By following these steps, you can fix the Colab Buildozer failed error and successfully build your Kivy/KivyMD project into an Android APK using GitHub Action and Colab Buildozer. Remember to carefully review the error message, update dependencies, check build configurations, and resolve any build errors to ensure a smooth and successful build process. With these fixes in place, you can easily deploy your Kivy/KivyMD app to the Android platform and reach a wider audience of users.

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6 months ago

Hello sir, can this project can be use in different project in python?

6 months ago

Thank you. However, building failed because below actions have failed

Upload artifacts
Post Run actions/cache@v2
Post Cache Buildozer global directory

What can be the problem?

6 months ago


6 months ago

I don't understand it. I managed to convert it once (with python3.7.6 like in video). And now I can't do it with python3.7.6 and even with python I actually have (3.11.6). All time I am receaving same error message. Please help me fix it. I'll leave links to logs below. They are the same but mayby not

for pyton3.7.6:
and for pyton3.11.6:

edit: I am using those commands on google colab:
AND libffi7 instead of libffi6, because libffi6 isn't avaible or something. And I didn't have the python version at the end of google colabs so I used python –version from cmd

6 months ago

used to cache dependencies with a timeout
Check failure on line 13 in .github/workflows/build.yml

GitHub Actions
/ .github/workflows/build.yml
Invalid workflow file
You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 13

6 months ago

Now, NOT working. Getting error in build process

6 months ago

Aidl not found, please install, this is the error i get

6 months ago

i tried this succesfully got an apk file but the app crashes at start

6 months ago

It still doesn't work, got this error:

urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Download failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found; retrying in 1 second(s)…Download failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found; retrying in 2 second(s)…Download failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found; retrying in 4 second(s)…Download failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found; retrying in 8 second(s)…# Command failed: ['/bin/python3', '-m', 'pythonforandroid.toolchain', 'create', '–dist_name=myapp', '–bootstrap=sdl2', '–requirements=python3==3,hotpython3==3.7.6,kivy,pillow', '–arch=arm64-v8a', '–arch=armeabi-v7a', '–copy-libs', '–color=always', '–storage-dir=/github/workspace/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a', '–ndk-api=21', '–ignore-setup-py', '–debug']

# Buildozer failed to execute the last command

# The error might be hidden in the log above this error

# Please read the full log, and search for it before

# raising an issue with buildozer itself.

# In case of a bug report, please add a full log with log_level = 2

6 months ago

where to you get those commands after typing build.yml ?

6 months ago

this video its to clear. but i still having problems with it. I got a red cross in the 'bluid with Buildozer' step, think its the most important part hahahaha

6 months ago

i sent you an email can you answer me please

6 months ago

Hey buddy I tried this for a simple kivy code and it surprisingy worked out thanks to you but I have been using Opencv (cv2) library and numpy for video capture using kivy library as well but I have been adding those two packages in my buildozer and permissions as well but it didnt work out……
Would be happy if you would connect and help me resolve this error as I am in a project deadline. Also please share the collab commands for buildozer.spec file creation

6 months ago

I am getting a error on building buidozer, can u help me?

6 months ago

I have py file.. What is kv file?

6 months ago

I need your help for kv to apk. Can you help me??

6 months ago

Ive been following your code but this error occurs

[DEBUG]: clang-14: error: no such file or directory: 'jnius/jnius.c'

[DEBUG]: clang-14: error: no input files

[DEBUG]: error: command '/usr/bin/ccache' failed with exit code 1

any idea what to do ?

6 months ago

Sir I am beginner I have only python file but don't know where kV file please help me sir😢

6 months ago

Now, this is also NOT working. Getting error in build process

6 months ago

Hi there! Thanks for your video, it looks quite useful! But, unfourtunately, I had an error such as : # Command failed: ['/bin/python3', '-m', 'pythonforandroid.toolchain', 'create', '–dist_name=myapp', '–bootstrap=sdl2', '–requirements=python3==3.7.0,hostpython==3.7.0,kivy,kivymd,pillow', '–arch=arm64-v8a', '–arch=armeabi-v7a', '–copy-libs', '–color=always', '–storage-dir=/github/workspace/.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a_armeabi-v7a', '–ndk-api=21', '–ignore-setup-py', '–debug'] during running command build. I suppose, that happend because of mistakes in my SPEC file, isn't it?