Converting Next.js React Component from Server Side Rendering to Client Side Rendering with ‘useClient’

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Next.js React Component Server Side to Client Side Rendering

Next.js React Component Server Side to Client Side Rendering

Next.js is a popular React framework that enables server-side rendering for React applications. This means that the initial HTML content of a page is rendered on the server and sent to the client, which can improve performance and SEO.

One way to take advantage of server-side rendering in Next.js is to use the “useClient” hook. This hook enables components to render on the client side once the initial server-side rendering is complete.

Here’s an example of how to use the “useClient” hook in a Next.js React component:

import React from ‘react’;
import { useClient } from ‘next-client’;

const MyComponent = () => {
const isClient = useClient();

return (

{isClient ?

Rendered on the client


Rendered on the server



In this example, the “useClient” hook is used to determine whether the component is being rendered on the client or server side. If it’s being rendered on the client side, a message is displayed indicating that. Otherwise, a different message is displayed, indicating that the component was rendered on the server side.

By using the “useClient” hook in this way, you can ensure that your Next.js React components are optimized for both server-side and client-side rendering, providing a smooth and efficient user experience.

Overall, Next.js provides a powerful and easy-to-use framework for enabling server-side rendering in React applications. By using the “useClient” hook, you can take advantage of the best of both worlds, ensuring that your components are rendered efficiently no matter where they are rendered.