Could the ICC be looking into war crimes in Gaza?

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The International Criminal Court (ICC) is facing mounting pressure to investigate potential war crimes committed during the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The 11-day conflict, which erupted in May 2021, resulted in the deaths of over 250 people, the vast majority of them Palestinians.

There have been numerous reports of indiscriminate shelling and airstrikes by Israeli forces, as well as the firing of rockets from Gaza into civilian areas in Israel. Both sides have been accused of violating international humanitarian law and committing potential war crimes.

The ICC, which is the only permanent international criminal tribunal with a mandate to investigate and prosecute individuals responsible for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community, has been urged to intervene and carry out a thorough investigation into the alleged war crimes.

In March 2021, the ICC ruled that it has jurisdiction to investigate the situation in the Palestinian territories, including Gaza, despite objections from Israel and the United States. This decision opened the door for the ICC to launch an official investigation into the actions of both Israeli and Palestinian authorities.

However, the process of investigating and prosecuting potential war crimes is a complex and lengthy one. The ICC has limited resources and must carefully prioritize which situations to investigate. Additionally, the court faces political pressure and opposition from certain governments, which can hinder its ability to carry out its mandate effectively.

In the case of the conflict in Gaza, the ICC faces several challenges. Firstly, the situation on the ground is extremely volatile, and obtaining reliable evidence and conducting interviews with witnesses can be difficult due to ongoing hostilities and restrictions on movement. Secondly, both Israel and Hamas have vehemently denied any wrongdoing and are unlikely to cooperate with the ICC’s investigation, making it challenging for the court to gather essential evidence.

Despite these challenges, there is a growing consensus among human rights organizations and international observers that the ICC must take decisive action to investigate the recent hostilities in Gaza. The court has a responsibility to hold individuals accountable for potential war crimes, regardless of their political or military affiliations.

Furthermore, a thorough ICC investigation into the conflict in Gaza could provide a crucial step towards justice for the victims and their families. It could also serve as a deterrent for future violations of international humanitarian law and contribute to a sustainable peace in the region.

Whether the ICC will decide to move forward with an official investigation into war crimes in Gaza remains to be seen. However, the international community must continue to push for accountability and justice for all those affected by the conflict, and support the ICC in fulfilling its crucial mandate. Only through the impartial investigation and prosecution of potential war crimes can the cycle of violence and impunity be broken, and a path towards lasting peace and reconciliation be established.

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6 months ago

The other Arab countries need to act militarily

6 months ago

Can you please pray for our Palestinians brothers and sisters who are going through genocide by the Israeli army.

6 months ago

The Israeli Government has done more to delegitimise itself than Hamas could ever do. I used to be supportive of a state of Israel. Hearts and Minds have changed

6 months ago

He is s corrupt western puppet, don't expect good thing's from him

6 months ago


6 months ago

Crispin Blunt said it in the very beginning and they came out with bogus charges against him. Raz Segal, Israeli Holocaust scholar in the US said at the very very very beginning of this gen*cide that this was a textbook case of gen*cide. Why is he ignoring the experts?

6 months ago

No it will not it doesn’t have the teeth to do so, Mr Khan like Braveman and Sunak are token people!

6 months ago

I am sorry, what is ICC?

International Cult Civilization?

6 months ago

There's likely a video of Khan doing some sick shit that's being held over his bald head.

6 months ago

When basic human rights and legal protection are not afforded to the most vulnerable, the court of last resort fails to carry out its mandate… a display of hand-wringing right on par with the so-called peace talks. 😢

6 months ago

Of course they won't do 😂 I'm quite surprised why Muslims still expect or believe human rights will benefit them in some way. Wake up, boys, and stop dreaming 😴

6 months ago

Another biased video cheering on one side over the other like it's a football game. The ICC has been investigating Israel's actions in Gaza far before October 7th and continue to. It's takes time with the small staff Khan is given. I have no doubt there will be indictments on both sides. And the Palestinian state is the only reason the ICC has jurisdiction here. I'm sick of people who don't understand international law making inflammatory videos like this.

6 months ago

ICC = Israeli Criminal Court

6 months ago

The ICC. An embarrassment for humanity. Puppets of the West.

6 months ago

Karim Zions

6 months ago

Let's see if this chap called Karim Khan, has the balls to make a case against Israel on terrible war crimes inside Gaza and in the West Bank.

6 months ago

Nitinyahu must be punished for gaza genocide

6 months ago

Good point, why didn't ICC do their investigations in the week long truce? Not that they actually needed to investigate, the genocide is pretty much being live streamed for everyone in broad daylight

6 months ago

Power is in the wrong hands

6 months ago

They own icc too