Counting vehicles: tracking and counting with Google Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi 4

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Counting Vehicles with Google Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi 4

Counting Vehicles with Google Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi 4

Counting vehicles on roads and highways is an important task for traffic management and planning. Monitoring traffic flow can help reduce congestion, improve safety, and optimize transportation systems. In this article, we will discuss how to track and count vehicles using the Google Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi 4.

Google Coral USB Accelerator

The Google Coral USB Accelerator is a small accessory that can be plugged into a Raspberry Pi 4 to provide AI and machine learning capabilities. It has a Edge TPU coprocessor that accelerates inferencing for machine learning models, making it perfect for tasks like object detection and tracking.

Raspberry Pi 4

The Raspberry Pi 4 is a versatile and affordable single-board computer that can be used for a wide range of projects. It is a popular choice for IoT, robotics, and AI applications due to its small size, low cost, and ease of use.

Tracking and Counting Vehicles

By combining the Google Coral USB Accelerator with the Raspberry Pi 4, we can create a powerful system for tracking and counting vehicles. Using a camera module connected to the Raspberry Pi, we can capture video footage of vehicles passing by. We can then use a machine learning model to detect and track vehicles in the video stream.


To implement vehicle tracking and counting using the Google Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi 4, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the Google Coral USB Accelerator to the Raspberry Pi 4.
  2. Install the necessary software and drivers for the Google Coral USB Accelerator.
  3. Connect a camera module to the Raspberry Pi and position it to capture a view of the road or highway where vehicles will be passing by.
  4. Develop or download a machine learning model for object detection and tracking, optimized for the Edge TPU.
  5. Write a Python script to capture video from the camera module, process it with the machine learning model, and count the number of vehicles detected.
  6. Run the script on the Raspberry Pi to start tracking and counting vehicles.


Counting vehicles is an important task for traffic management and planning. By using the Google Coral USB Accelerator and Raspberry Pi 4, we can create a cost-effective and efficient system for tracking and counting vehicles on roads and highways. This system can help improve traffic flow, safety, and overall transportation systems.

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