
Cracking Product Based Companies: What the Semicolon Ep.1

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How to Crack Product Based Companies: The Semicolon Ep.1

How to Crack Product Based Companies: The Semicolon Ep.1

Are you a software engineer looking to land a job at a top product-based company? In this episode of The Semicolon, we’ll discuss some key tips and strategies to help you crack your dream job at a product-based company.

1. Master Data Structures and Algorithms

Product-based companies are known for their rigorous technical interviews, which often focus on data structures and algorithms. Be sure to master key data structures such as arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, and algorithms such as sorting and searching. Leverage online platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal to practice and improve your skills.

2. Develop Real-World Projects

While technical knowledge is important, showcasing your ability to build real-world projects can set you apart. Create projects that solve real problems and demonstrate your skills in building scalable and efficient software. Open-source contributions and personal projects can also help demonstrate your passion and expertise in software development.

3. Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Product-based companies are at the forefront of innovation, and they expect their potential hires to be aware of the latest industry trends. Stay updated with the latest developments in technology, product design, and user experience. Showcasing your knowledge of emerging technologies and their impact on product development can impress interviewers.

4. Practice Behavioral Interviews

Technical skills are important, but product-based companies also value behavioral traits such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Be prepared to answer behavioral interview questions that demonstrate your ability to work in a team, handle challenging situations, and contribute to the company culture.

5. Network and Get Referrals

Networking and obtaining referrals from current employees can significantly improve your chances of landing a job at a product-based company. Attend tech events, meetups, and conferences to network with professionals in the industry. Utilize LinkedIn and other professional platforms to connect with employees at your target companies and seek referrals.

By following these strategies and staying dedicated to your preparation, you can increase your chances of cracking product-based companies and landing your dream job. Stay tuned for the next episode of The Semicolon, where we’ll dive deeper into the interview process at product-based companies.

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5 months ago

inspiring, practical and straight to the point. Thank you for the episode. please keep bringing people like him.

5 months ago

Informative! Very good 🔥🔥🔥

5 months ago

Very helpful video💯

5 months ago

This video is very helpful for me..
Thank you

5 months ago

this video is for me my cgpa is 5.6 and i am in thirdyear but i am good in react and have made projects what should i do next learn dsa or made high level project or trying to get internship

5 months ago


5 months ago

Very very inspiring for all 6 pointer guys like me 🙏🔥

5 months ago

I am from commerce 😢😢😢