
Crash Course Express: 2024 Edition

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Express Crash Course (2024 Revamp)

Welcome to the Express Crash Course (2024 Revamp)!

Are you looking to learn about Express, one of the most popular Node.js frameworks for building web applications? You’re in the right place! This crash course has been revamped for 2024 to provide you with the latest and greatest information on Express.

What is Express?

Express is a fast, unopinionated, and minimalist web framework for Node.js. It provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications, including routing, middleware, and template engines.

What will you learn in this crash course?

In this crash course, you will learn the basics of Express, including how to set up a basic server, handle routes, work with middleware, and use template engines. You will also dive into more advanced topics like working with databases, authentication, and error handling.

Why choose Express?

Express is a popular choice for developers because of its simplicity and flexibility. It allows you to quickly build scalable and maintainable web applications without getting in your way. Plus, there is a large ecosystem of plugins and middleware that can help you extend the functionality of your applications.

Get started with Express now!

If you’re ready to dive into Express and start building amazing web applications, this crash course is the perfect place to start. By the end of it, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to create your own Express projects with confidence.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

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1 month ago

After learning Django and a bit of Laravel, Express seems so lightweight. I really like it. Thanks Brad!

1 month ago

Despite being a Senior DevOps Software Engineer, I always learn something new when Brad teaches. This crash course encapsulates the nuances of building an API, even if it’s a multi-billion dollar API. It all boils down to this basic concept. Thank you, Brad ❤

1 month ago

is there some discord community for traversy media?

1 month ago

Hey Brad, can't find the source code! (link in the desc seems broken). Also thanks a lot for the video❤

1 month ago

is it better to use "node:path", instead of 'path'? And use it for all built-in methods just not to confuse with npm libs?
Interesting your opinion.

1 month ago

Express + firebase is Good combination in backend?

1 month ago

this revamp was much needed !!! Thank You so much

1 month ago

GitHub repo link is not working

1 month ago

do people ts with express ??

1 month ago

This videos coming out right when I'm learning React and Node.js/Express feels like it's heaven-sent!

1 month ago

hey men i really love the like your video it is deep and very helpful but right now i really struggle about file management like every time when i want to do some practice i always install react app again and again specially i am very confused by the installation of necessary files like nodemon , express ,node ,buble and run my file on terminal and like so on things really hard for me so can you make a tutorial video on how to handle files and folders, do we have to install every time when we want run our app or so many things please?!

1 month ago

Hi Brad, loving your tutorials this year, especially on React, Node.js, and Express.js! I've been following along and was wondering if you could consider doing a series on MongoDB next. It would be awesome to see how we can integrate it with these technologies for a full MERN stack project!

1 month ago

Thanks for this I am learning NodeJS and ExpressJS now and this video is i need

1 month ago

I don't work with Node and don't have any plans to. However, I still watched the whole video just because 1) your effort; 2) your skills; 3) I always learn something from you – in this case, one of the things was the Postman extension. Sure I learned a bunch of other little cool stuff. During the video, I couldn't escape thinking about what drives you into making these videos with such a level of care. Amazing. Thanks a lot.

1 month ago

Thank you for your labor!

1 month ago

GitHub link not working!

1 month ago

Hey Brad, I can't find the code on your github. Thanks for the great tutorial and wish you the best!

1 month ago

thanks a lot bro, i was requesting you on your last node js crash course for express crash course. it is superb amazing tutorial as usual

1 month ago

Can you do a revamp of NestJS??

1 month ago

When everyone praising Hono? Brad is pushing express back on it feet