
Crash Course on Next.js: Building Web Applications Made Easy

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Next.js Crash Course: Building Modern Web Applications with Ease

Next.js is a popular React framework that allows developers to build modern web applications with ease. It offers server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and simplified routing, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced developers. In this crash course, we will explore the key features and benefits of using Next.js, and guide you through the process of building a simple web application.

Getting Started:
To begin with, you need to have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your computer. Once you have set up your development environment, you can start by creating a new Next.js project using the command `npx create-next-app`.

Server-side Rendering (SSR):
One of the major advantages of Next.js is its ability to render React components on the server-side. This means that the initial page load is faster, as the server sends back the HTML content along with the pre-rendered React components. This is particularly useful for improving the SEO of your web application by ensuring that search engines can index your pages correctly.

Automatic Code Splitting:
Next.js automatically optimizes your application by splitting your JavaScript and CSS code into small and efficient files. This allows for faster page load times, as only the necessary code is loaded when a specific page is requested. It also enables easy implementation of lazy loading, which further enhances the performance of your application.

Simple Routing:
Routing is an essential aspect of any web application. Next.js simplifies this process by providing an intuitive and easy-to-use routing system. You can simply create a new file inside the ‘pages’ directory, and Next.js will automatically generate the necessary routes for your application. This removes the need for complex configuration and ensures that your application stays organized.

API Routes:
Another powerful feature of Next.js is the ability to create API routes effortlessly. You can simply create a new file inside the ‘pages/api’ directory, and Next.js will handle all the routing and functionality for you. This enables seamless integration with backend services or databases without the need for external frameworks. It also allows you to build serverless applications easily by deploying your API routes to serverless platforms like Vercel.

Next.js provides built-in support for CSS-in-JS solutions like Styled Components and CSS Modules. This allows you to write CSS styles directly in your JavaScript files, making it easier to manage and style your components accurately and efficiently. Additionally, Next.js optimizes the CSS bundle by only sending the necessary styles to each page, improving overall performance.

Deployment with Vercel:
Finally, deploying your Next.js application is made simple by using Vercel, the company behind Next.js. With just a few commands, you can deploy your application to the Vercel platform, which offers optimizations such as automatic scaling, serverless functions, and fast global distribution. This makes deploying and maintaining your Next.js application a breeze.

Next.js is a powerful React framework that simplifies the process of building modern web applications. Its server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and simplified routing make it an excellent choice for developers of all skill levels. By utilizing Next.js, you can build high-performance applications with ease and improve the user experience. So why wait? Start exploring the world of Next.js and take your web development skills to the next level!

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8 months ago

Thank you so much Brad!

8 months ago

Hands down the best Next.js quick tutorial ever produced. Super clear, easy to follow, top quality ✨

Ananya Chadha
8 months ago

This is so insanely helpful and eye opening and really inspiring! Thank you so much for making this!!

Jary Cruz
8 months ago

If you're watching this in 2023 or later. When creating a next app, don't use the app router if you're gonna follow this tutorial. That way you'll get kind of the same starting boilerplate.

Taras Terry Babyuk
8 months ago

Is there an advantage to fetching individual posts from the API like you showed here, versus just getting them from a local json or javascript file?

8 months ago

Unfortunately as of July 2023 this is somewhat out of date in terms of how Next.js structures their initial app directory setup.
Was still fun to follow along though! Great video as always.

Arash Pourrahim
8 months ago

One of the best training courses I have seen in my entire life. Very thorough and professional. I have seen it more than 10 times and every time I learn something new.

8 months ago

Needs an updated version

8 months ago

Thank you so much for this. As someone looking to get into Next fast this was just perfect! Going to watch your new one regarding Next 13 as well now. Thanks a ton for your work!

Selvarajan T
8 months ago

that was an awesome tutorial.

8 months ago

Where did the data.js file come from?

Hamza Ashraf
8 months ago

Superb Explanation Super Tutorial Love it man

Theo Breakspear
8 months ago

These crash courses are some of the best engineering education in existance. Absolutely incredible.

8 months ago


Ken Irwin
8 months ago

Thanks, as always. I started with this one to get my feet wet. before moving on to your Next v13 video, and am looking forward to seeing what's changed.

Bedri Bulut
8 months ago

thank you so much for such a great crash course dude

Markus Eicher
8 months ago

As usual, great job, Brad. Thank you very much for this good intro to Next.js. Built a first practice project while working along with you. You are a constant source of great material. Thanks again and may you be blessed, sir.

trishal walia
8 months ago

Amazing Tutorial 🙂

Kody Wright
8 months ago

Please make a NextJS 13 Tutorial just like this.

8 months ago
