
Creando una barra lateral con React y CSS: Tutorial #shorts #css #html #reactjs #webdesign

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Creating a Sidebar with React and CSS

Creating a Sidebar with React and CSS


In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a sidebar using React and style it using CSS. Sidebars are a common feature in web design, providing a way to navigate through different sections of a website or display additional information.

Setting Up the Project

First, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your computer. Then, create a new React project using the following command:

                npx create-react-app sidebar-demo

This will create a new directory with all the necessary files for a React project.

Creating the Sidebar Component

Inside the src folder of your project, create a new file called Sidebar.js. This file will contain the code for our sidebar component.

                    import React from 'react';
                    import './Sidebar.css';

                    const Sidebar = () => {
                        return (
  • Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Contact
); } export default Sidebar;

Styling the Sidebar

Create a new file called Sidebar.css in the same directory as Sidebar.js. This file will contain the CSS styles for our sidebar.

                    .sidebar {
                        width: 200px;
                        height: 100%;
                        background-color: #333;
                        color: #fff;
                        padding: 20px;

                    .sidebar ul {
                        list-style: none;
                        padding: 0;
                        margin: 0;

                    .sidebar li {
                        margin-bottom: 10px;

Using the Sidebar Component

Finally, we can use the Sidebar component in our main App component. Open the App.js file and add the following code:

                    import React from 'react';
                    import Sidebar from './Sidebar';
                    import './App.css';

                    function App() {
                        return (
{/* Main content goes here */}
); } export default App;