
Create a Chat Application using the Latest ChatGPT API | Complete Development with Full stack, React, Redux Toolkit, Node, OpenAI

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Build a Chat App with NEW ChatGPT API

Build a Chat App with NEW ChatGPT API

If you’re looking to build a chat app that incorporates cutting-edge AI capabilities, look no further. With the new ChatGPT API from OpenAI, you can create a fully interactive and engaging chat experience for your users. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of building a chat app using a full stack approach, including React, Redux Toolkit, and Node.js.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before we dive into the code, you’ll need to make sure you have the necessary tools and dependencies installed on your machine. Start by setting up a new React app using create-react-app. Then, install Redux Toolkit to manage the app’s state and data flow. Additionally, you’ll need Node.js to create a server for handling the chat interactions.

Creating the Chat Interface with React and Redux Toolkit

Once your environment is set up, it’s time to start building the chat interface. Use React to create a user-friendly and responsive UI for the chat app, and utilize Redux Toolkit for managing the state and handling asynchronous actions like sending and receiving messages from the ChatGPT API.

Implementing the ChatGPT API

With the chat interface in place, it’s time to integrate the ChatGPT API. OpenAI’s ChatGPT API allows you to leverage the power of AI to generate human-like responses to user input. Utilize Node.js to create a server that will handle requests to the ChatGPT API, and use Redux Toolkit to manage the data flow between the client and server.

Testing and Deployment

Once your chat app is built and the ChatGPT API is integrated, it’s important to thoroughly test the app to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience. Test the app’s functionality and user interactions, and consider deploying the app to a live server to make it accessible to users.


Building a chat app with the new ChatGPT API from OpenAI is an exciting opportunity to incorporate advanced AI capabilities into your projects. By leveraging a full stack approach with React, Redux Toolkit, and Node.js, you can create a dynamic and interactive chat experience for your users. Get started today and revolutionize the way users engage with your app!

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7 months ago

Hey all, I’m back and recovered! So glad to be posting new content again.
Questions and Discussions about this project can be asked here in discord: https://discord.gg/2FfPeEk2mX

7 months ago

I would like to express my gratitude for the informative tutorial you have provided. However, I have encountered an issue with my project being deactivated after 10 days of using your promocode.

Mujib Miah
7 months ago

Has anyone hosted a clone of this and can you link it please
Also thank you ed great tutorial as always

Lawrence E
7 months ago

What a great series of videos! I really enjoy your explanations and how you speed up the process by providing all the CSS up front. To speed the typing up a bit more, you might consider using Emmet. Thx for creating these tutorials.

Istiyak Mastana (Gulame Mastan)
7 months ago

OnSubmit function is not defined.. can you please help?

Mike Tepes
7 months ago

Hi . I have followed this tutorial. I am just wondering why I'm getting uninitialized status on resultLogin when signing up? I only got results from resultSignup ofcourse knowing I call the "triggerSignup" only but on the video, you only call the trigerSignup when creating users and using only resultLogin so I get confused ? Please advise me. Thank you.

7 months ago

i don't understand how this is helpful to people learning, it's a bunch of copy/paste.
it's a cool project and looks great, I just don't think I'm actually learning much from this

Ajay babu Patel
7 months ago

In this can two users also talk to each other oe only with gpt

Danny Warner
7 months ago

has anyone had any 404 issues with this? I think I have all the code in place perfectly from the repo but im stuck on a 404 error…

Shivam Manhas
7 months ago

1:39:37 / 2:59:33

Shivam Manhas
7 months ago

1:30:48 / 2:59:33

Shivam Manhas
7 months ago

1:05:27 / 2:59:33

Shivam Manhas
7 months ago

59:30 / 2:59:33

Vinay Patel
7 months ago

I am getting this "ERROR" while running Chat Custom header at(40:25) can anyone solve this issue….. @EdRohDev
'chat' is missing in props validationeslintreact/prop-types
'chat.title' is missing in props validation eslint (react/prop-types)
'chat.description' is missing in props validation eslint (react/prop-types)

Shivam Manhas
7 months ago

30:30 / 2:59:33

7 months ago

is the mongoDB inside this project ?

7 months ago

This is the most captivating video I have seen on Youtube! Thanks, EdRoh!

7 months ago

this was not beginner friendly bro

7 months ago

After all step, it doesn`t work at login page. I checked the params(username, secret) to api it all works but It doesn`t navigate to chat page. it just stay in login page. Anyone got this problem too? I`m not sure but it seems to be problem at "isAuth" this part.

Isha Gupta
7 months ago

Can this chat application be MERN stack with integration of OPEN AI ?????