
Create a CRUD App using Vue JS 3 and Firebase Firestore

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Vue JS 3 + Firebase Firestore: Build A CRUD App

Vue JS 3 + Firebase Firestore: Build A CRUD App

Vue.js is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Firebase Firestore is a cloud-based NoSQL database offered by Google, which provides real-time data synchronization and offline support.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of building a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) app using Vue JS 3 and Firebase Firestore. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional app that can perform all these operations on data stored in Firestore.


In order to follow along with this tutorial, you will need to have a good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will also need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.

Setting Up Firebase Firestore

The first step is to set up a Firebase project and create a Firestore database. You can do this by visiting the Firebase Console and following the instructions to create a new project. Once the project is created, you can add a new Firestore database to it.

Creating a Vue JS 3 Project

Next, you will need to create a new Vue JS 3 project. You can do this using the Vue CLI, which is a command-line tool for scaffolding Vue.js projects. First, install the Vue CLI globally using npm:

  npm install -g @vue/cli

Once the Vue CLI is installed, you can create a new Vue JS 3 project with the following command:

  vue create vue-firestore-crud

Follow the prompts to configure the project and select the features you want to include. Once the project is created, navigate into its directory and install the required Firebase libraries:

  cd vue-firestore-crud
  npm install firebase

Building the CRUD App

Now that you have set up Firebase Firestore and created a new Vue JS 3 project, you can start building the CRUD app. This involves creating components for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from the Firestore database, as well as setting up the Firebase configuration and initializing the Firestore instance.

For the sake of brevity, we won’t go into the details of building the entire app in this article. However, you can find the complete code for the CRUD app in the accompanying GitHub repository.


Vue JS 3 and Firebase Firestore make a powerful combination for building real-time, responsive web apps. By following this tutorial and exploring the code in the GitHub repository, you can learn how to use these technologies to create a fully functional CRUD app.

With a solid understanding of Vue JS 3 and Firebase Firestore, you can take your app development skills to the next level and build even more complex and sophisticated applications.

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Mario Ibañez Hancco
7 months ago

Muito obrigado espero mais conteúdo de VUE e Firebase, Thanks

Lucaks  Strive
7 months ago

So good! You won a new subscriber! can you share the github project?

Hussein Kadhim
7 months ago


Hussein Kadhim
7 months ago

this is helpful