Create a custom Scorier for a Scikit-learn classifier based on training feature

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Using Scikit-learn Classifier with Custom Scorer

Using Scikit-learn Classifier with Custom Scorer

Scikit-learn is a powerful machine learning library in Python that provides various tools for building and evaluating machine learning models. One useful feature of Scikit-learn is the ability to create custom scorers for evaluating the performance of a classifier. In this article, we will explore how to create a custom scorer that is dependent on a specific training feature.

Creating a Custom Scorer

Suppose we have a dataset with a training feature called ‘feature_x’ and a target variable ‘target_y’. We want to create a custom scorer that evaluates the classifier’s performance based on how well it predicts the target variable ‘target_y’ using ‘feature_x’ as a key training feature.

from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, accuracy_score
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

# Define custom scoring function
def custom_scorer(clf, X, y):
predictions = clf.predict(X[‘feature_x’])
return accuracy_score(y, predictions)

# Create custom scorer
custom_scorer = make_scorer(custom_scorer, greater_is_better=True)

# Load dataset
X = dataset[‘feature_x’]
y = dataset[‘target_y’]

# Initialize classifier
clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()

# Evaluate classifier using custom scorer
scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, scoring=custom_scorer)

In the code snippet above, we first define a custom scoring function called ‘custom_scorer’ that takes a classifier, feature matrix ‘X’, and target variable ‘y’ as inputs. The function computes the accuracy of the classifier’s predictions based on the training feature ‘feature_x’ and compares it with the actual target values. We then create a custom scorer using the ‘make_scorer’ function and set it to ‘greater_is_better=True’ to indicate that higher scores are better.

We load the dataset with features ‘feature_x’ and target variable ‘target_y’ and initialize a Decision Tree classifier. Finally, we evaluate the classifier using the custom scorer with ‘cross_val_score’ function to obtain the scores.


Creating a custom scorer in Scikit-learn allows us to evaluate a classifier’s performance based on specific criteria that we define. By leveraging custom scorers, we can gain additional insights into how well a classifier learns and predicts the target variable using key training features. This enables us to optimize our machine learning models and improve predictive accuracy in real-world applications.