
Create a Dashboard UI’s Header with Shadcn, NextJS14, Clerk, Prisma, PostgreSQL | Build in Public

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Starting Dashboard UI’s Header

Starting Dashboard UI’s Header

Welcome to the world of building Dashboard UI’s! In this article, we will focus on creating a stylish and functional header for your dashboard using Shadcn, NextJS14, Clerk, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. And the best part? We will be building it in public!

What You’ll Need:

  • Shadcn: A powerful CSS framework for creating beautiful designs
  • NextJS14: A popular React framework for building fast and scalable web applications
  • Clerk: A user authentication service to handle user login and registration
  • Prisma: An ORM to simplify database interactions
  • PostgreSQL: The database of choice for storing your dashboard data

Creating the Header

Let’s start by creating a simple header template using HTML and CSS. We will include a logo, navigation links, and a user profile dropdown menu.

HTML Structure:

          <div class="logo"><img src="logo.png" alt="Logo"></div>
            <a href="#">Home</a>
            <a href="#">Dashboard</a>
            <a href="#">Settings</a>
          <div class="user-profile">
            <img src="avatar.png" alt="Avatar">
            <span>John Doe</span>

CSS Styling:

        header {
          display: flex;
          justify-content: space-between;
          align-items: center;
          padding: 10px;
          background-color: #333;
          color: #fff;
        .logo {
          flex: 0.2;
        nav {
          flex: 0.6;
          display: flex;
          justify-content: space-around;
        .user-profile {
          flex: 0.2;
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
        .user-profile img {
          border-radius: 50%;
          margin-right: 8px;

Feel free to customize the header to match your dashboard’s design and functionality. You can add more navigation links, user profile information, or even a search bar to enhance the user experience.


By combining the power of Shadcn, NextJS14, Clerk, Prisma, and PostgreSQL, you can create a visually appealing and user-friendly header for your dashboard UI. Building in public allows you to share your progress, receive feedback, and collaborate with others in the community. Happy coding!