Create a Deep Learning Model for Lip Reading using Python and Tensorflow | Step-by-Step Guide

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Building a Deep Learning Model for Lip Reading

Build a Deep Learning Model that can LIP READ using Python and Tensorflow | Full Tutorial

Lip reading, also known as speech-reading, is the ability to understand speech by visually interpreting the movements of the lips, face, and tongue. It is an important skill for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as for applications in human-computer interaction, surveillance, and forensics.

In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of building a deep learning model for lip reading using Python and Tensorflow. We will use a dataset of videos with corresponding transcripts to train our model to recognize and transcribe spoken words based on lip movements.


In order to follow along with this tutorial, you will need to have the following:

  • Python installed on your machine
  • Tensorflow and Keras libraries for deep learning
  • A dataset of videos with corresponding transcripts for training


  1. Data Preprocessing: We will start by preprocessing the video data, extracting frames, and aligning them with the corresponding transcripts.
  2. Feature Extraction: Next, we will extract features from the preprocessed frames, such as optical flow or appearance-based features.
  3. Model Building: We will then build a deep learning model using Tensorflow and Keras to train on the extracted features and transcripts.
  4. Model Evaluation: We will evaluate the performance of our trained model using a test dataset and metrics such as word error rate.
  5. Deployment: Finally, we will explore how to deploy our trained model for real-time lip reading applications.


Building a deep learning model for lip reading can be a challenging but rewarding task. With the right tools and techniques, it is possible to create a model that can accurately transcribe spoken words based on lip movements. By following this tutorial, you will gain a solid understanding of how to approach this problem and apply it to your own projects.

Happy coding!

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6 months ago

hi thank you for this great idea, i had this error "OpenCV: Couldn't read video stream from file "data/s1/.mpg"

6 months ago

how to get the data

6 months ago

Hey Nick can you tell me. how they video can be annotated?Which tool are they using?

6 months ago

Help!! At 34:46 it says I cannot handle the data type!! Did I do something wrong?

6 months ago

pls help me: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/alignments/s1/.align'
when i run: frames, alignments = data.as_numpy_iterator().next()

6 months ago

Hii this is kamala here I am in final year I am doing this one as my project while running the ie(epochs) I got an error that invalid argument error that is graph execution error please till me how to rectify this error this my final year project soo reply mee please

6 months ago

hey Nick sorry for spamming your Comments Section , but im getting this error

" UnknownError: {{function_node __wrapped__Sub_device_/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0}} JIT compilation failed. [Op:Sub] "

Any Ideas ??

6 months ago

tf.config is not working,What to do any idea…😥😥

6 months ago

On the topic of a better Architecture,

How about trying a time distributed 2D convolution then using positional encoding on the time steps to treat them as tokens then just passing them through the standard transformer.

6 months ago

what is the accuracy of your this model sir please reply someone please reply

6 months ago

hey Nick i have a one question regarding this project

6 months ago


6 months ago

We really need the app! 🤯

6 months ago

Hi Nick! I would love to purchase the tutorial but the link is broken and I can't seem to find it on your site?

6 months ago

What kind of data collecting are we talking about if we want to generalise to like, the 1000 most used English words? Could we build the model so that it can recognise phonemes from the preprocessed videos? Then the model associates the most likely phoneme separation to convert to the output string.

6 months ago

Helo sir may I known which dataset is used in this project…

6 months ago

It was awesome deep learning learning experience. Its a fantastic tutorial and the results are TP. its a …BOOOM…..BOOOM…BOOOM situation after completing this tutorial. Thank you so much Nicks.

6 months ago

How to make this work on any random video from internet or any other source, for example video store in our own PC, please help and can you please make a tutorial for that

6 months ago

How to get the dataset?

6 months ago

Great video. Nice of them to label the videos with the text 'bin red at S 9 again' = bras9a.mpg