
Create a full-fledged online store with Nextjs 13 app router and integrated Stripe payments.

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Complete Ecommerce Website using Nextjs 13 app router with Stripe Payment Integration

Complete Ecommerce Website using Nextjs 13 app router with Stripe Payment Integration

If you are looking to build a full-fledged ecommerce website with Nextjs app router and seamless payment integration with Stripe, look no further! With the latest release of Nextjs 13, building and deploying ecommerce websites has become easier than ever before.

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications with server-side rendering and seamless client-side navigation. It also provides a powerful routing solution that is perfect for building ecommerce websites with multiple pages and complex user interactions.

Stripe is a leading payment gateway that allows businesses to accept online payments easily and securely. Integrating Stripe with your Nextjs ecommerce website can be done with just a few lines of code, making it a popular choice for ecommerce businesses.

Getting Started

To get started, you will need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. You can create a new Nextjs project by running the following commands in your terminal:

npx create-next-app@13
npx create-next-app my-ecommerce-site

Once your project is set up, you can start creating the pages and components for your ecommerce website. With the app router feature in Nextjs 13, you can easily create dynamic routes and handle complex page transitions.

Stripe Payment Integration

Integrating Stripe with your Nextjs ecommerce website is a straightforward process. First, you will need to sign up for a Stripe account and obtain your API keys. Then, you can use the official Stripe SDK to process payments in your website.

After installing the Stripe SDK in your Nextjs project, you can create a checkout form and handle the payment process with just a few lines of code. With Stripe’s built-in security features, you can ensure that your customers’ payment information is handled securely.


Building a complete ecommerce website with Nextjs 13 app router and integrating Stripe for payments is a powerful combination. With the flexibility and power of Nextjs and the ease of use of Stripe, you can create a seamless and secure shopping experience for your customers.

Whether you are building a new ecommerce website from scratch or upgrading an existing one, Nextjs 13 and Stripe provide the tools and capabilities you need to succeed. So go ahead and start building your dream ecommerce website today!

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Programming Support
7 months ago

Amazing video please use sanity..

devran deniz
7 months ago

Hi.Thank you very much for great work.But is its possible to show how to deploy? Thanks..

Umair Younas
7 months ago

great project…kindly add filtering system like filter by checkbox radio price range date top-bottom and pagination with api. we would love it

7 months ago

Can you implement some pagination to the products page? Love you videos by the way❤

Pradeep Karn
7 months ago


after this point i am having error tried verified every page but not resolved

Error: async/await is not yet supported in Client Components, only Server Components. This error is often caused by accidentally adding `'use client'` to a module that was originally written for the server.

Saleem Raza
7 months ago

please add middleware and mongodb database alos and we can update data from dashboard

Mahmoud Gamal
7 months ago

thank you for this amazing content …

ektu haso
7 months ago

Sir deployment

Ghulam Mohiudin
7 months ago

Sir ,
Is we become react or next js only front end developer?

Julio Vicente Perez
7 months ago

Thank You So Much

Gamers Field
7 months ago

Hi Mohamed I have a problem in stripe payment as you faced it in (throw new error) and I did copy and paste it is the same thing not working idk why

Bhojpuriya desi boys
7 months ago

Admin panel system

Abdullah Naveed
7 months ago

Hey Sir kindly check your repository you have included wrong repository here!! Please its making alot of trouble…

Ghulam Mohiudin
7 months ago

Assalamualaikum! Muhammad
What are the prerequisites to making that website?

Ghulam Mohiudin
7 months ago

Can this project make a front end developer which recently learn next js but not learn backend?

7 months ago

Hehehe…. 69th like ✌

Diptamoy Mitra
7 months ago

is it responsive?

Nitesh Prajapat
7 months ago

So professional work 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Jeans Smith
7 months ago


Soufiane Soufiane
7 months ago

What tech stack did you use for backend