Create a Full Project of a Blogging Application with Spring Boot, Angular, MySQL – [2024]

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Develop a Blogging Application using Spring Boot, Angular, MySQL | Complete Project | [2024]

Develop a Blogging Application using Spring Boot, Angular, MySQL | Complete Project | [2024]

Welcome to our tutorial on how to develop a blogging application using Spring Boot, Angular, and MySQL. In this project, we will guide you through the process of building a fully functional blogging platform from scratch. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a working blog application where users can create, read, update, and delete blog posts.

Technologies Used:

  • Spring Boot: a powerful Java-based framework for building web applications.
  • Angular: a popular front-end framework for creating dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • MySQL: a widely used relational database management system for storing and managing data.

Steps to Develop the Blogging Application:

  1. Set up the development environment by installing Java, Node.js, MySQL, and IDE of your choice.
  2. Create a new Spring Boot project and configure it to connect to a MySQL database.
  3. Set up Angular CLI and create a new Angular project for the front-end of the blog application.
  4. Implement the back-end logic using Spring Boot to handle CRUD operations for blog posts.
  5. Create the front-end user interface using Angular to allow users to interact with the blog application.
  6. Integrate the front-end and back-end components to create a seamless user experience.
  7. Test the blogging application to ensure that it works as expected and fix any bugs or issues that may arise.
  8. Deploy the application to a web server or cloud platform to make it accessible to users.


By following this tutorial, you will have successfully developed a fully functional blogging application using Spring Boot, Angular, and MySQL. This project will not only enhance your skills in web development but also provide you with a practical and valuable experience in building real-world applications. We hope this tutorial has been helpful and wish you all the best in your future projects.

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3 months ago

you must have to add material import file attached

3 months ago

Awesome Bro, can you please share source with us it would be very helpful..thanks.😀

3 months ago
