
Create a MERN Finance Dashboard Application with Machine Learning, Typescript, React, Node, MUI, and Deployment

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Build A MERN Finance Dashboard App

Build A MERN Finance Dashboard App

If you’re looking to develop a finance dashboard app with advanced features like machine learning, typescript, react, node, MUI, and deployment, then the MERN stack is a great choice. The MERN stack includes MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js, and is popular for building full-stack web applications.

Machine Learning

Integrating machine learning into your finance dashboard app can provide valuable insights and predictions for financial data. With the MERN stack, you can leverage libraries like TensorFlow.js and scikit-learn to incorporate machine learning algorithms into your app.


Typescript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other advanced features to the language. It can help you write more robust and maintainable code for your finance dashboard app, and is well-supported within the MERN stack.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and is a key component of the MERN stack. With React, you can create dynamic and responsive user interfaces for displaying financial data and insights on your dashboard app.


Node.js is a runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is commonly used as the backend server for MERN stack applications, and can be used to handle data processing and API requests for your finance dashboard app.


MUI, or Material-UI, is a popular React UI framework that provides a set of customizable and themed components for building modern web applications. It can help you quickly create a polished and professional-looking user interface for your finance dashboard app.


Once you have developed your finance dashboard app, you will need to deploy it to a web server so that users can access it online. The MERN stack offers a variety of options for deployment, including hosting on platforms like Heroku, AWS, or using containerization tools like Docker.

In conclusion, building a finance dashboard app with the MERN stack can provide a powerful and flexible platform for integrating machine learning, typescript, react, node, MUI, and deployment. By utilizing the strengths of the MERN stack, you can create a robust and feature-rich app for analyzing and visualizing financial data.

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7 months ago

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Joseph Bonheur
7 months ago

Professionalism and creativity in the projects this man teaches make his videos unique on YouTube. Thankyou EdRoh

7 months ago

Sir develop a tradingview clone

Uchenna Ofor
7 months ago

Hi Ed Roh, for starters, thank you for this gift. Means a lot, honestly. I've been coding along and everything has been fine and great, encountered a few bumps due to package version clashes, that has been dealt with, but I'm currently stuck at trying to fetch the Products data to log onto the console. Precisely at [03:19:31] on the video above. It says there's a PARSING ERROR.. Please any tips to solve it would be helpful. Thanks

funter ban
7 months ago

nice project ever ❤

fahin miah
7 months ago

Can I do It as a final year project

7 months ago

@EdRoh, great tutorial. Awesome explanation of setup and logical process. Thanks. I am having a problem with dependency conflicts when installing the mongoose-currency package? any ideas?

William Robersone
7 months ago

@EdRohDev Good content Ed. I have a question, what should I do about this error: TypeError: Undefined type `Map` at `expensesByCategory`? It occurs for me at 2:17:07…I'm not able to view the array data in the console.

7 months ago


MaxWell Calkin
7 months ago

does anyone else get a problem with mongoose-currency having a peer dependency of mongoose version 4.x? I can't figure out how to get around it.

midhun dc
7 months ago

Can I start this project without any knowledge of node and react ?

victor creed
7 months ago


Siyuan Chen
7 months ago

Thanks for the great course! Why does the dashboard cannot display data?

Saptarshi Majumdar
7 months ago

Really loved this video. Looking forward to using Recharts in some of my future projects.

PS: Is there a way to publish this on vercel instead?

sahib singh
7 months ago

what version of mongoose is compatible with mongoose currency?

Sam Gable
7 months ago

this is supposed to be an advanced tutorial but i feel like you're saying lots of unnecessary information that is already common knowledge, like theres no reason why you should be telling us how to use flexbox. we should already know how to do that. honestly its a good video but whenever you interject like that it's extremely distracting

Diego Herrera
7 months ago

hey thanks for this tutorial it's super cool! One question: what is the use or which benefits are we getting from passing this two options:
– useNewUrlParser: true,

– useUnifiedTopology: true
when we connect to mongoose?

Sam Ty
7 months ago

Thank you so much for this video. But I wish you used next.js and tailwind

hell boy
7 months ago

Should I learn mui
I al ready know tailwind

Ray Lang
7 months ago

Returning data as "undefined" after I set up the api, RTK query, MonogoDb, server. All the env variables are correct but it's returning the index.html instead of the json from MongoDB