Create a QDialog in 3 Minutes using PySide and PyQt

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PySide and PyQt are two popular Python libraries used for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). In this tutorial, we will focus on the QDialog module, which is used to create customizable dialog boxes in PySide and PyQt.

Step 1: Import PySide or PyQt

First, you need to import the necessary modules. If you are using PySide:

from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QDialog, QPushButton

If you are using PyQt:

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QDialog, QPushButton

Step 2: Create a QDialog window

Next, you need to create a QDialog window. This will be the main dialog box that you can customize to display various elements such as buttons, labels, and input fields.

app = QApplication([])
dialog = QDialog()
dialog.setWindowTitle('My Dialog')
dialog.setGeometry(100, 100, 200, 100)

Step 3: Add elements to the dialog box

Now, you can add elements to the dialog box like buttons, labels, and input fields. In this example, we will add a button to the dialog box.

button = QPushButton('Click me', dialog)
button.setGeometry(50, 50, 100, 30)

Step 4: Add functionality to the button

You can add functionality to the button by connecting it to a function that will be executed when the button is clicked. In this example, we will create a function called on_click that will display a message box.

def on_click():
    QMessageBox.information(dialog, 'Message', 'Button clicked')


Step 5: Show the dialog box

Finally, you need to show the dialog box to make it visible to the user.

That’s it! You have now created a simple dialog box using PySide or PyQt in just a few minutes. You can further customize the dialog box by adding more elements and functionality to suit your needs. Experiment with different widgets and layouts to create more complex dialog boxes for your applications.

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1 month ago

Very seldom lately to watch such straightforward tutorial. Keep it up!

1 month ago

WRONG: "[Qt] dialogs do not have minimize or maximize buttons ". The Qt dialogs on my computer do have such buttons. [ignorant or biased?].

1 month ago

Awesome tutorials, i watch it because of your jokes. lol they are funny. seriously though do you have an example with an (Ok) (cancel) dialogue? All the other examples im finding are in pyqt5 and for some reason my script wont start with that paired with pyside2.

1 month ago

You are indeed an amazing person. I am thankful to you. Only two notes, half screen covered throws me off and your jokes gets my nerves so badly that I could punch and break my f***ing screen. But anyhow.. thanks!

1 month ago

Great Video, thx a lot

1 month ago

Great lesson