
Create a Real-Time Chat App Similar to Whatsapp with Next.js, Socket.io, Tailwind CSS, Node.js & Zegocloud

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How to Build a Whatsapp Clone using Next.js, Socket.io, Tailwind CSS, Node.js & Zegocloud

Build a Whatsapp Clone (Realtime Chat) using Next.js, Socket.io, Tailwind CSS, Node.js & Zegocloud

Are you looking to create a Whatsapp clone with realtime chat functionality? In this article, we’ll show you how to build a Whatsapp clone using Next.js, Socket.io, Tailwind CSS, Node.js & Zegocloud. This combination of technologies will allow you to create a highly responsive and efficient chat application that simulates the functionalities of Whatsapp.

Next.js for Frontend

Next.js is a popular framework built on top of React that allows for server-side rendering, easy routing, and optimized production builds. It’s an excellent choice for building the frontend of your Whatsapp clone as it provides a smooth user experience and efficient code-splitting for faster page loads.

Socket.io for Realtime Communication

To enable realtime chat functionality in your Whatsapp clone, you’ll need a technology like Socket.io that allows for bidirectional, event-based communication between web clients and servers. Socket.io is easy to integrate with Next.js and will enable you to build a responsive and real-time chat application.

Tailwind CSS for Styling

For styling and design, Tailwind CSS is a great choice. It’s a utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid UI development with its extensive set of pre-built classes. You can quickly create a clean and modern user interface for your Whatsapp clone using Tailwind CSS.

Node.js for Backend

Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building server-side applications. It’s an excellent choice for the backend of your Whatsapp clone as it allows for easy integration with Socket.io and efficient handling of chat messages and user authentication.

Zegocloud for Cloud Hosting

Zegocloud is a cloud hosting platform that provides scalable and reliable infrastructure for deploying and running your applications. With Zegocloud, you can ensure that your Whatsapp clone is hosted securely and efficiently, enabling seamless communication and data storage for your users.

By combining Next.js, Socket.io, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, and Zegocloud, you can create a powerful and efficient Whatsapp clone with realtime chat functionality. Follow the best practices of each technology and integrate them seamlessly to ensure a smooth and reliable user experience for your chat application.

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Ahmad Hasham
7 months ago

can anyone tell me what is the exact HOST value here

7 months ago

can I deploy it in vercel?

7 months ago

This guy is not afraid of DRY

7 months ago

Is there the final result on GitHub? I can’t find it.

Huy Ngô Nhật
7 months ago

thank you <3

Maniesh Mehravth
7 months ago

Is this responsive

7 months ago

bro, I want to deploy it. could you please show about it's deployment? can I deploy it in free vercel?

Minhajul Islam
7 months ago

Can you bring discord clone ?

Grim Reaper
7 months ago

Bro can you add message deletion, edit message and show when a user is typing by the way awesome tutorial

Donquixote Rosinante
7 months ago

May i know how long do you spend on creating this high quality side projects?

Prince Kumar
7 months ago

the exit problem made this video more realistic like one was actually trying to make out something in front

7 months ago

can we add this project in resume

Gero Walther
7 months ago

could you please show us how to implement it in a react native app ? I am looking for such a tutorial for so long!

7 months ago

thank you so much Kishan for putting incredible amount of work on this lecture and makeing it public free! it helped me a lot to learn about socket io, and backend stuff!

7 months ago

Bro can we do without Zegocloud for audio call like using WebRTC? if i use it what is the drawback of it.

Ajayraj Aloor
7 months ago

How could I reach you?
I have some doubts???
This is a great video…😍

Grim Reaper
7 months ago

Wow i can't imagine how a single man was seriously able to create a WhatsApp clone that is even better than the original. well done bro

ExtraCodes Official Channel
7 months ago

I need you to copy the real for a fee

7 months ago

You're very talented ❤❤

7 months ago

0:55:50 can you plz help in app jsx facing white screen issue after implementing stateprovider