
Create a RESTful API in Next.js 13 for your app and master Prisma & Auth paging techniques!

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Build a REST API in Next.js 13 app directory

Build a REST API in Next.js 13 app directory

In this article, we will explore how to build a REST API in Next.js 13 app directory. We will also master RESTful techniques and paging with Prisma & Auth.

REST API in Next.js 13

Next.js 13 comes with built-in support for REST APIs. You can easily create API routes in the `api` directory of your Next.js app. These API routes can handle incoming HTTP requests and provide a way to interact with your app’s data and functionality.

Master RESTful techniques

RESTful techniques are a set of best practices for designing and implementing REST APIs. These techniques include using HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to perform CRUD operations, using resource URIs to uniquely identify resources, and using hypermedia links to navigate between resources.

Paging with Prisma & Auth

Prisma is a powerful ORM that can be used to interact with your app’s database. With Prisma, you can easily handle paging of data in your REST API. Additionally, adding authentication to your API routes using Auth will help secure your endpoints and ensure that only authorized users can access them.


Building a REST API in Next.js 13 app directory is a powerful way to add functionality to your app. By mastering RESTful techniques and using tools like Prisma and Auth, you can create a robust and secure API that meets the needs of your app and its users.

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Nasar Issa
7 months ago

Nice work. Hypothetically, how would you calculate the most popular dish at a restaurant?

Kevin Farley
7 months ago

how can we check if user supplied an "apikey", and let the apikey be set in url

José Pedro de Ferreira
7 months ago

who would guess jim halpert would be teaching me how to code

George Nabil
7 months ago

Thank you for this awesome video, it is really a lot of effort for 6k views. I hope your channel gets bigger soon.

7 months ago

please Ethan what is the difference between working with api in the frontend and working directly with db with prisma?
to be more clear what difference between

data=await fetch('/api/restaurants)
data=await prisma.restaurants.findMany()

based on what we go for one or another?

Divyesh Parmar
7 months ago

Can you please also make a video where how we can seprate the business logic from the routes, so that like creating a service folder that serves the logic. This can create the functions in route.ts files like only barely 2 lines. I have been rejected from a job just as I did not create a service abstraction.

Olaleye Oyewunmi
7 months ago

Hi please I’m having issues working with login page , can you make a video which has login page different from register page ..

muhamadbadri Yusuf
7 months ago

Amazing..underrated video of new things i learnt that cant get even in 10 hours video tutorial…thank you…

Amarilio de Oliveira
7 months ago

I appreciate it if you could show me your package.json to see which dependencies you have installed.

Leonardo C. - MasterWolfx
7 months ago

Hello, very good guide! However i have a question, lets say that there is a page to view the resturant menu and the client does the required requests to the api to render data… lets also suppose that there is a dashboard for the owner of the resturant in which he can view, add and edit more sensitive data like suppliers for a certain product. I would like that that kind of data is visible only if the GET request is made from the owner of the resturant (logged in obviously). Is it a good idea to check for auth inside a GET request and eventually add more sensitive data? There is a better way to do this?

Walton The Cat
7 months ago

You are awesome man. Thank you!

Hiro Nakae
7 months ago

Hi, could you share with us what you are using at 6:35 to view the database? your videos are awesome btw 🎉

7 months ago

Whats the difference between "return NextResponse(…)" and "return new NextResponse(…)"

7 months ago

Could you make a video on how to implement pagination in frontend? I love your content ❤.

Spencer Bigum
7 months ago

Is the app dir ready for production at all yet? Really informative video – I want to get setup using supabase + prisma + next for my next project so I'll def be watching some more of your videos! Great job!

Ronald Paek
7 months ago

I was getting errors on the api calls not working for me but when I change the returns like this they work now, return new NextResponse(JSON.stringify(restaurant), { status: 200 })

Ronald Paek
7 months ago

If I use server components how can I wrap my application with a client side state management like RTK or react context and still have my app take advantage of server componts, I'm not good at this new mental model, was wondering for things like state for things like dark mode toggling for tailwind

Ronald Paek
7 months ago

I am very new to backend stuff, if I end up using supabase with prisma as the ORM will the steps you provided on your videos work? I was working with others and they were having a lot of trouble with authentication, since they were not able to figure it out I am trying to connect the dots, or find resources that might be able to help me finish my app. Thank you for your videos they are amazing

GuiCode Dood
7 months ago

Hello Ethan, just to let to know that the links in your newsletter does not work. Ghost has some issues at this time. cheers.

Faizan Ahmed
7 months ago

Amazing video!