
Create a Todo application using FastAPI, React, MongoDB and Docker with demonstration.

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Demo FARM stack Todo app

FastAPI + React + MongoDB and Docker

Today, we’re going to showcase a complete FARM stack Todo app using FastAPI, React, MongoDB, and Docker. This demo app will give you a glimpse of how to build a full stack web application with a modern technology stack.

Setting up the project

First, ensure that you have Docker installed on your machine. Then, clone the demo app repository from GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/yourusername/demo-farm-todo-app.git
cd demo-farm-todo-app

Introduction to the FARM stack

The FARM stack consists of FastAPI for the backend, React for the frontend, and MongoDB as the database, all containerized with Docker for easy deployment. This combination of technologies is known for its performance, flexibility, and scalability.

Features of the Todo app

  • User authentication and authorization
  • Create, update, and delete tasks
  • Responsive and intuitive user interface

Running the app with Docker

To run the app, simply execute the following Docker commands:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up


By following this demo, you’ve learned how to build a FARM stack Todo app using FastAPI, React, MongoDB, and Docker. This powerful combination of technologies enables you to create modern and efficient web applications with ease. We hope this demo has been informative and inspiring for your future projects. Happy coding!