Create an Android APK with Kivy in Google Colab using Python

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Python Kivy Android APK en Google Colab

Python Kivy Android APK en Google Colab

Google Colab is a free cloud-based platform that allows you to write and run Python code in a browser. Python Kivy is a library that allows you to create multi-touch applications for various platforms, including Android.

One of the great things about Google Colab is that it allows you to install and run Kivy on its cloud platform. This means that you can develop and test your Kivy applications without having to install any software on your local machine.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create an Android APK using Kivy in Google Colab:

  1. Open Google Colab in your browser and create a new notebook.
  2. Write and run your Kivy code in the notebook. You can use the following code to create a simple Kivy app:
  from import App
  from kivy.uix.label import Label

  class MyApp(App):
      def build(self):
          return Label(text='Hello, World')

  if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Next, you’ll need to install buildozer, a tool that allows you to create APKs for Android from Python and Kivy applications. You can install buildozer using the following command:
  !pip install buildozer
  1. After installing buildozer, you can use it to create an APK for your Kivy app. You can use the following command to initialize the buildozer settings:
  !buildozer init
  1. Finally, you can use buildozer to build the APK for your Kivy app using the following command:
  !buildozer -v android debug

Once the build process is complete, you will have an APK file that you can install on your Android device and test. This allows you to develop and test Kivy applications for Android without needing to install anything on your local machine.

In conclusion, Google Colab is a great platform for developing Kivy apps for Android, and it allows you to do so without needing to install any software locally. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create and test Android APKs for your Kivy applications in Google Colab.

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6 months ago

Genioooo!!! me funciono con algunas fallas pero es un avance enorme jaja, Gracias!

6 months ago

Al fin encuentro un video donde me funsiona convertir de .py a .apk muchismimas gracias y sobre todo la forma de explicar.!!!!!!

6 months ago

Thank you so much!!!! It's work!

6 months ago

Hola estimado, llevo varios días rompiéndome la cabeza intentando hacer un APK a partir de una aplicación muy sencilla hecha con Kivy (sin archivos kv), pero tuve que hacerla necesariamente en Python 3.10.0, pues no me estaba funcionando Kivy para Python 3.12. No he conseguido exportar el .apk, siempre tengo problemas. Sería posible contactarte de algún modo? Te agradezco de antemano, y gracias también por el video!