
Create an Easy-to-Use Invoicing Application Using Laravel 10 and VueJs 3

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Build A Simple Invoicing App With Laravel 10 And Vuejs 3

Build A Simple Invoicing App With Laravel 10 And Vuejs 3

In this tutorial, we will be building a simple invoicing app using Laravel 10 for the backend and Vuejs 3 for the frontend. This app will allow users to create and manage invoices for their business.

Setting up Laravel 10

First, we need to install Laravel 10. You can install Laravel by running the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project laravel/laravel

Setting up Vuejs 3

Next, we need to install Vuejs 3. You can install Vuejs by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install vue@next

Creating the Invoicing App

Now that we have Laravel and Vuejs set up, we can start creating our invoicing app. We will create a new Laravel project and set up our routes, controllers, and models for the invoices.

We will also create a Vue component for displaying and managing the invoices in the frontend.

Connecting Laravel and Vuejs

To connect our Laravel backend with our Vuejs frontend, we will use Laravel Passport for authentication and API routes. We will create an API endpoint in Laravel for fetching and saving invoices data.

Finalizing the App

Finally, we will add some styling to our app using CSS and Bootstrap. We will also add functionality for creating and editing invoices in the frontend.


By following this tutorial, you will be able to build a simple invoicing app with Laravel 10 and Vuejs 3. This app can be used by businesses to manage their invoices efficiently. Have fun coding!

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3 months ago

very nice work, just if you can make it withe livewire 3

3 months ago

Thanks for helping me understand vue a lot better, this is a good course for every beginner like me

3 months ago

Finally here and I saw that this is just a merged file from the other videos 1-9. But I am happy that I don't need to watch 3h again 😀 Thank you for your effort. There are almost no explanations, but if so the tutorial would be 2 times or 3 times longer. Again, thank you for your effort. It helped my a lot for my project.

3 months ago

im inable to install vue@next

3 months ago

Thankyou for this tutorial. I had already been playing around in laravel and got a little experience in react. I really enjoy the vue syntax and will be using it in an upcoming project!

3 months ago

It's a very good tutorial, only one thing I have to mention
you have to explain what are you doing and explain the idea of the project for each database table and so
too few description lines and a lot of codes

3 months ago

this ok but vary poor guide with validation and feedback messages … that must as a developer add this things …

3 months ago

do you have or are you planning to make a tutorial about vue, vuex and laravel?

3 months ago

The tutorial is not in order, so I don't understand it

3 months ago

Well done. Good work and waiting for new project bigger than that and related to ERP

3 months ago

is it combined from all videos in this playlist, sir ? that's great, thank you

3 months ago

can you make a video that explains how to upload Laravel and vue.js projects to a host domain name?

3 months ago

Really I loved how you explain and helped me so much !❤

3 months ago

good work bro, its all working fine, just i will enhance it with composables so we can re use more things. Thanks

3 months ago

video length is too much 2:58:32

3 months ago

Hi, is there a possibility to collect all nvoices at the end of each month? looking forward to your reply,thank you