Create and launch a Full Stack Coolors clone using Next.js 14, Supabase, Clerk, and Typescript (part 3)

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Build and deploy a Full Stack coolors clone (Nextjs 14, Supabase, Clerk, and Typescript) (part 3)

Build and deploy a Full Stack coolors clone (Nextjs 14, Supabase, Clerk, and Typescript) (part 3)

In part 3 of our tutorial series, we will focus on integrating Supabase as our backend database and authentication provider, Clerk as our frontend authentication library, and TypeScript for our codebase. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a full-stack coolors clone up and running with Next.js 14.

Integrating Supabase

Supabase is a powerful open-source alternative to Firebase that provides real-time database and authentication services. To integrate Supabase into our project, we need to create an account on their website ( and set up a new project.

Setting up Clerk

Clerk is a user authentication library that provides a customizable authentication flow with pre-built UI components. To integrate Clerk into our project, we need to sign up for a free account on their website ( and create a new project. We will then install the Clerk SDK and set up our authentication flow.

Adding TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static types to the language, making it easier to catch errors and write more maintainable code. To add TypeScript to our project, we need to install the necessary dependencies and update our codebase to use TypeScript syntax.


By integrating Supabase, Clerk, and TypeScript into our coolors clone project, we have added powerful backend database and authentication capabilities and improved the maintainability of our codebase. In the next part of this tutorial series, we will focus on deploying our project to a hosting provider such as Vercel or Netlify.

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1 month ago

Evergreen ,can you please tell what are you using for state management ??