
Create and Launch a React Dashboard Using Hostinger

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Build and Deploy a React Dashboard With Hostinger

Build and Deploy a React Dashboard With Hostinger

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and Hostinger is an affordable and reliable web hosting service. In this article, we will walk you through the process of building and deploying a React dashboard with Hostinger.

Step 1: Set Up Your Development Environment

Before you can start building your React dashboard, you need to set up your development environment. This includes installing Node.js and npm, which are necessary for running and building React applications.

Once you have Node.js and npm installed, you can use the create-react-app tool to generate a new React project. Simply run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-react-app my-dashboard

This will create a new directory called my-dashboard with all the necessary files and dependencies for a React application.

Step 2: Design Your Dashboard

Now that you have a React project set up, it’s time to design your dashboard. You can use a variety of tools and libraries to create a beautiful and functional dashboard, such as Material-UI, Ant Design, or Bootstrap.

Once you have designed your dashboard, you can start implementing the necessary components and functionality using React. This might include creating charts and graphs, tables, navigation menus, and other UI elements.

Step 3: Deploy Your Dashboard with Hostinger

Once your dashboard is ready, it’s time to deploy it to the web using Hostinger. Hostinger offers easy and affordable web hosting services, with options for shared hosting, VPS hosting, and cloud hosting.

To deploy your React dashboard with Hostinger, you can use the built-in deployment tools provided by create-react-app. Simply run the following command in your terminal:

npm run build

This will build your React project and create a production-ready build in the build directory. You can then upload these files to your Hostinger account using an FTP client or Hostinger’s file manager.


Building and deploying a React dashboard with Hostinger is a straightforward process, thanks to the powerful tools and services available. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a professional and functional dashboard for your web application and make it accessible to the world with Hostinger’s hosting solutions.

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7 months ago

Absolutly mindblowing. Thank you Sir! As a newbie (you will spend a lot of time threw your great content) kindly asked: is there (maybe) a follow-up possible? Like CRUD to a database and get the values to "our" (your 🫶) dasboard. Could be helpfull for many beginners.

Cute chioma😜
7 months ago

Love this tutorial

7 months ago

Do you know how to create a toggle for light/dark mode?

7 months ago

Bro your theme is awesome 👍

Deus lo Vult
7 months ago

Thanks for video

Yacine Elhafidy
7 months ago

i really appreciate, i'm a beginner and i descover with you new things but i have a note, you go a head speedly somtimes, which give me the impression that i lost the connection, so, if you want to do some tutorials focussing upon the layout of the page with tailwind and explain slowly how to design it, finally i wanna thank you for your effort and i really appreciate you.

patra p
7 months ago

Thanks for taking your time to make this video.I learnt something new.

7 months ago

More Tailwind React projects please

7 months ago

what theme do you use?

Kevin Guedes
7 months ago

Would we need some extra setup if the React App uses routes (react-router-dom)? I don't wanna buy a plan and discover later that i can't work with routes

Yuanda Emir
7 months ago

I like your videos.

dafke duck
7 months ago

Love the way you explain everything, nice simple and not to fast! Thx for the great tutorials!

adenugba micheal
7 months ago

We love if upcoming project can be finance app tracker or job board…nice one boss

7 months ago

Source code pls

Shaharyar Ahmed
7 months ago

If your going to copy someone else's work at least have the courtesy to credit them for it

Here is the link to the original project:

7 months ago

this is an admin pannel or user?

iman ardiansyah
7 months ago


Nitesh Prajapat
7 months ago

We need you Sir 🎉❤️