
Create Custom JavaScript in Power Pages | Validate Data | Implement Business Logic with JavaScript

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Write Custom JavaScript in Power Pages

Perform Validations and Write Business Logic Using JavaScript

Power Pages is a powerful tool that allows users to create interactive and engaging web pages. With the ability to write custom JavaScript, you can add additional functionality and enhance the overall user experience.

Perform Validations

JavaScript can be used to perform client-side validations, ensuring that user input is accurate before it is submitted to the server. This can help prevent errors and streamline the data entry process.

For example, you can use JavaScript to check if a form field contains a valid email address, or if a password meets certain criteria for complexity. By providing instant feedback to users, you can improve the usability of your web pages and minimize the occurrence of errors.

Write Business Logic Using JavaScript

In addition to handling validations, JavaScript can also be used to write custom business logic. This can include calculating and displaying data, handling user interactions, and manipulating the DOM to dynamically update content.

For example, you can use JavaScript to create interactive charts and graphs, create dynamic forms that adjust based on user input, or fetch and display data from external APIs. By leveraging the power of JavaScript, you can create rich and dynamic web pages that go beyond simple static content.

Getting Started

To write custom JavaScript in Power Pages, simply include a `